Re: Struggling

Hid hid @Anastasia  🥺🥺🥺

Re: Struggling

Good morning @Anastasia @Lee82 @greenpea , 

I hope you are all peacefully sleeping. 
I just got woken to a massive storm and now I'm scared..

Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1sorry it scared to Candydipper1 have you got a hot water bottle that always gets me back to sleep. xx

Re: Struggling

@greenpea - cuddling with my teddy bear

Re: Struggling

Im sorry that woke you. Pea's idea is good @Fluttershy1 . I've had no sleep so going to be a Loong day, big hugs x

Re: Struggling

Morning everyone, @Anastasia @Fluttershy1 @Lee82 @Owlunar @greenpea 


 Sounds like many of you had a rough night last night.

Sorry to hear this. Remember, it's a new day today. It may not turn out the best day, but remember, our struggles remind us we are humans, not superhumans. 


 It's great that these forums allow us to talk about and see our own and each other's weaknesses/challenges. These are the real humans. Don't let social media platforms brainwash you to believe there is a perfect life - people only post what they want you to see.


To all my friends here, hold on tight. Things will shift. Dark clouds may hover, but the sun continues to rise each day and is simply waiting for us to see it and embrace it.


Hugs to you all,


Re: Struggling

@BPDSurvivor  wrote


            people only post what they want you to see.


I am pretty sure about that actually - I know I vet what I write - sometimes I have already written something and deleted it - sometimes it's just something I am not ready to share or don't want to share


I was okay last night - though my hayfever gave me a hard time - I read what you wrote about BPD on a different message - I don't have it but I am pretty sure my son did - he couldn't tolerate any kind of pressure to do this or not do the other and couldn't understand that people needed borders in their own lives and he gave himself a hard time - and I know it's different for everyone. When I read your post I was encouraged - if he had lived long enough he might have grown out of it - I felt a small degree of comfort about that - so I want to thank you while I am writing here 


It's an important fact I hadn't heard before - I am glad people - very glad that people - can learn to managed the condition



Re: Struggling

Good morning @Owlunar @BPDSurvivor @Anastasia @greenpea @Lee82 - 

things have been abit like a rollercoaster the morning, it was really hard to actually speak up about how I was feeling in an appointment the morning.


My little alters are being extremely needy and clingy today so they are being a handful. I can't really keep myself in the present at the moment.

I can't keep my tears back.... 

I'm safe

Re: Struggling

Hi @Fluttershy1 


Small children can get very clingy and needy when we need time to think about something - I went through this stage with my children - I think they pick up from our body-language that  we are preoccupied.


How many small children do you have and how old are they? When they are little I think they cue into the way we are feeling and if we are okay they get on with their own interests - they certainly can tell if we have something on our minds


I always tried to do everything that was important when my son was at Day Care, Kinder or School - and if I hadn't got dinner ready to cook he seemed to know and would go through his emotions - and I know if you have little ones at home all day this has to be a challenge - for you and for them actually


So - today you found it hard to express your feelings in your session - you were stuck I am sure - between what you wanted to say - needed to say - or how to answer the therapist. It's actually very interesting to me - I often found it a good idea to work out the main problem before the sessions - and that main problem would be different every time of course - I understand that - and it can change mid-session - and sometimes the therapist wants to discuss something else. That can be mysterious because after all - are we not there to talk about OUR thoughts and feelings, emotions and bothers


It seems you need a good cry - do your kids go down for a nap this afternoon? That would be a good time for you to shed the tears that are in the way right now and sort your self out - it's a struggle


I wish you the best today and hope you feel better later - maybe take the kids out for a short walk - depending on your local lock-down restrictions


All the bestHeart



Re: Struggling

Hey hey @Owlunar - I have little alters which are being needy and clingy 

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