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Something’s not right

Re: Struggling

Hey @Lee82 - I'm not holding up well at all, been on the phone to helplines and MH triage.


Dyed my hair purple dye to my stress levels 

Re: Struggling

Oh @Fluttershy1 I hope you can get the help and support you need from the helplines babe. I'm here for you. 

Re: Struggling

@Lee82 - can you stay and chat?

Re: Struggling

@Lee82 - I'll be back gotta wash my hair x

Re: Struggling

@Fluttershy1  ❤️

@Lee82 not the best day hun but just doing some diamond painting to de stress.

How are you?

Re: Struggling

I am so sorry to hear that @Anastasia . I hope diamond painting is doing what it's suppose to and it helps you de stress hun. 
sittinf eith you 

Re: Struggling

Thanks lovely, are you ok @Lee82 ?

Re: Struggling

I had a pretty bad day/night yesterday as I had a few moments of weakness and I have been dealing with the aftermath today. It has not been a good day at all. I have felt sick pretty much all day. Hoping to be able to get some sleep tonight. 
Thanks for asking hun. @Anastasia 


Re: Struggling

@Lee82 @Anastasia - I sory sory sory, I fail 🥺

mi no ok

i sfe 

Re: Struggling

Oh sweetheart, please stay safe. I am sorry it's not been a good day. I hope you get some sleep @Lee82 ❤️❤️❤️


Here @Fluttershy1 ❤️❤️❤️

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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