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Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

awesome @Change123, @Former-Member xx

Hello @Owlunar, @outlander, @Former-Member

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Pics are up @outlander - and we should see them


I found a news item on those clouds in Adelaide - but they can't be copied unless I use equipment I don't have - darn - but yay - they were pretty cool - called Wave Formations


These are caused by certain kinds of wind - I don't know how


But thanks for the info - I just love it the way people are adding this here



Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Okay - fingers crossed - I think I can post a pic of the Wave Formation in the Clouds over Adelaide yesterday - fingers crossed - I am holding my breath


Clouds over Adelaide.jpg

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Yikes - I did it - by Jove I did it

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

oh wow @Former-Member i just seen your pic of the moon


Im in NSW so things might look different where i am in the sky


i cant finally see the pics @Owlunar sooo exciting i love this stuff!


hiya @Former-Member@Change123@Shaz51

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather


lovely to see how much you are getting out of doing this

you have so much knowledge and so much to give to others

so very happy for you Dec

I think that there is a special bright star up there for you, shining down on you with pride and sharing these wonderful moments with you xxx

i am not in the right mindset to enjoy at the moment but when the time is right for me look forward to learning so much about a subject that  is so interesting

keep enjoying,... keep shiningxx


Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

well done @Owlunar!

Hi everyone @Former-Member@outlander@Shaz51@Former-Member

These arent the pictures from Adelaide but at one stage the full moon looked like below.

MOON.jpghalo.jpghalo around moon last night



You definitely started something @Owlunar I think we are all getting something out of this and its so fun!

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Awesome! Loving all the pics and information.

I have to say I did enjoy some alone time moon gazing last night in Melbourne. So peaceful 🙂

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Welcome aboard fellow astronomer @Former-Member :face_with_rolling_eyes::face_with_rolling_eyes::face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Good Evening @Owlunar and fellow amateur astronomers 🙂

Dec, the stars are out at my place tonight! 🙂 Though like a silly little child I began looking too early and they weren't even shining yet. Finally I went out and I'm pretty sure I saw Orions Sword? 3 bright distinct stars in a row, I couldn't see underneath them and to the right, where I expect to find Sirius, the Wolf star, because it was still in the tree line; though through a patch in the trees I could see a really bright one. I dashed inside to get my binoculars, but they weren't where I expected them to be; I looked for about half and hour, maybe a little more and gave up, deciding I'd just look with my eyes. When I went back out, it was as if the 3 stars had disappeared? . . . and I didn't see Orions belt? that goes with them. Just to show how amateur I really am, I'm going to ask a silly question - how quickly do the stars move? Could I have missed it in that time?

I think I saw the Southern Cross, 4 stars in a diamond or kite shape, with a dimmer star inbetween the right bottom side, and 2 distinct bright stars over to the left, that almost, but not quiet, line up with the top of the left side. Does that sound like it?

I can't seem to see any planets next to the Moon, it's almost like it's too bright for me to see them - would that be the case?

Oh Dear, I said I'd ask one silly question and instead I asked a bunch! I'm actually enjoying my childish excitement 🙂 Thank you very muchHeart


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