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Re: Daily positives

Freemen is actually freekeh

Re: Daily positives

Have been sober 22 days thanks  to AA (alcoholics anonymous).Feel Great  !!!!!!!

Re: Daily positives

That is wonderful news @Jimbo2 , way to go my awesome friend ❤❤

Hello and hugs @outlander , @Delicatessen , @Former-Member , @tyme 

Re: Daily positives

I recommend anyone worried or concerned about their alcohol intake to give aamelbourne a search and go to a meeting ,it works !!!!!!!!!!! or call 1300 222222    24/7 !!!!!!!!!!!


Jimbo 2

Re: Daily positives

Well done @Jimbo2 


Re: Daily positives

@Shaz51thanks a million !!!!!!



Re: Daily positives

Not applicable

Re: Daily positives

@ArraDreaming this post really made me chuckle, how beautiful! Such a lovely day, thanks for sharing 💚

Re: Daily positives


Re: Daily positives

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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