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Looking after ourselves

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The Book Club

*Apologies firstly if there is already a discussion for this. I haven’t come across one so I thought it might be something helpful for looking after & empowering ourselves.*


As I move through different stages in my life I have found books to be very helpful with coping with different situations.


I suffered a chronic episode of phycosis about 18 months ago which saw me hospitalised for 2 weeks, it has been baby steps ever since.


My current book was recently recommended by the pastor at my local church “ Rising Strong “

by Brene Brown.


I have found it to be quite insightful & inspiring & wanted to pass on this recommendation to anyone wanting to get back up 

as the cover states “If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall”


I also would like to hear your recommendations of good books that are helping you with your mental illness or just in life in general.


Re: The Book Club

@Former-Member Hi lmn83 I think this is a great idea for a thread 🙂 I finished two books. 'The Dry' and 'Force of Nature' both by Jane Harper. I couldn't put them down particularly 'The Dry'. I loved them so much I am going to read them again and that says something 🙂

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Re: The Book Club

Thanks @greenpea,

I look forward to reading the dry when I finished my current book.

I have had a look & the library has both books which is a bonus.


I’ll let you know what I think when I start reading 👍

Re: The Book Club

@Former-Member that would be great :). I have 'just' started reading "The woman in the window" by AJ Finn. It sounds good and my mum liked it so will let your know what I think.

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Re: The Book Club

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Re: The Book Club

Hi @greenpea,

I just wanted to say thanks for your recommendation to read the dry.

I thoroughly enjoyed the it, it was a really different book to what I would usually choose & it was great to read something different.

It definitely kept me intrigued until the end , I will now look forward to getting force of nature from the library 📚 

Re: The Book Club

I enjoyed reading The Dry.

Smiley Happy @Former-Member @greenpea @Former-Member 

Recently I finished "The Bridge" by Enza Gandolfo. It was sensitive and well written though serious. It had young and old characters and interesting history about the collapse of the Westgate Bridge.


Sometimes I read for escape and sometimes to learn.


 I am planning to do a few of the exercises in

The Awakened Introvert





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