Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51  a motorised scooter is a huge step .... I don't blame your mother just wanting to stay at home  All of this must be such a worry for you Shaz51 😞

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

mum has told me too @Former-Member , but not had a turn yetSmiley Very Happy

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 😀

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!


Have any plans been made as yet in relation to Mum and your holiday?

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

yes it will be the last week of transition care when we go  @Former-Member 

so my aunty and cousin are going to drop in every day

and mum says " i will be fine by myself for a week "

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Lovely it is all organised @Shaz51 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

a bit worried about mum`s mind @Former-Member so is my aunty

so will wait until after the week away

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

What's happening @Shaz51 ?

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

here for you too @Shaz51 Heart

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

when mum arrived home from hospital , they sent a letter for mum to go to the memory clinic but she cancelled it and threw the letter away @outlander , @Former-Member 

she was acting confused at hospital but I thought it was just the days and hours running into each other


at home she is getting confused  and now she leaves the tv on and all the lights on

she is saying things and Ihave to explain things again for her

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