Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello my @Dimity , how are you my friend xx

I am just feeling I have no control over anything today xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hugs @Shaz51 .


Please take care. You have been through a lot lately. I read you mum is not answering the phone. Is it because she's upset? Or because she cannot answer it?



Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello @tyme 

When she was at home , she stopped answering the phone all together so when I sister said ring the phone next to Mum's hospital bed I knew she would not pick it up xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 Ohhh shaz big hugs. Deep breaths my friend. Sitting with you.

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 , you are doing the best you can. It is time to look after yourself. There are people looking after mum.


Do you have a wind down routine to help you sleep tonight?


Also, please know you can phone our amazing counsellors through our Drop-in service, or use the webchat. That may release the valve a little for you 1800 187 623.


Hugs, tyme

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thanks @tyme , @Dimity 

Mr shaz is just making me a cuppa xx

We had our blood test done today too 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thank you @tyme 

It is just hard being mum's carer for years and then she has been in different hospitals for the last 6 weeks 

Feeling like life is to carry on whatever 

My husband has been at a standstill for a few weeks  but now is getting Into the awing of changes things 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

I'm glad the drs are keeping an eye on you @Shaz51 especially when there's been so much happening for you. Hopefully your bloods will be good. 

It must be hard not speaking to your mum when she's too far away to visit easily. My dad also refused to use a phone. Ì asked the nursing home if I could give him a little fax machine but they said no. Would any of the nurses be able to help her with a video call?



Re: Not sure what to do !!!

I will ask the nurse to give mum the phone tomorrow when I call again @Dimity 

The nurses tell me the doctor will ring me with any updates 

So it just feels strange to carry on with life , and you have been there too xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

I hear you @Shaz51 . You are doing what you can.


That's a good idea @Dimity @Shaz51 . Perhaps you can phone in and the nurses give mum the phone. She's probably struggling with tech in an unfamiliar environment.



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