Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thank you my awesome sister @BlueBay ❤❤

Sitting with you too xx 

Not applicable

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

One day at a time is certainly the best way to navigate this, but please don't feel like you were over reacting – if my loved one was removed from a hospital and moved to another without any communication, I'd be pretty upset too. Your feelings are completely valid, that's all I wanted to say @Shaz51, that and I hope you're doing okay 💛

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thank you @Former-Member ❤


Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Oh dear @Shaz51 

Have just read back several pages and cannot believe what your mother has been though.

This in turn being such a shock for you and Mr Shaz.

The doctor patient information scenario sounds dreadful and questionable.


Thank goodness you now know where she is and is also closer.


As for being a nobody. Wash your mouth out with soap! I believe is the old fashioned saying.


Meant warm heartedly; that does not come close in describing the caring; warm-hearted; loving soul we have all come to know and love.


Why do we turn on ourselves when life throws up so many challenges time and time again?

I think most of us do and yet we can jump in and tell others not to.


As everyone has already mentioned; as hard as it is; one day at a time.


Good that you can talk to her on the phone. That might be good to keep that up if able and of course if she wants to. She will be feeling very confused and weary as well as dealing with medication; resettling and possible dementia. She possibly will want to sleep a fair bit.


I hope that talking to her on the phone will reassure you in between visits.


Good that you can talk about all of these challenges on here.


Sophia 💜

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Awww thank you my wonderful sister @Sophia1 ❤❤

I think it is easier to put ourselves down then to lift ourselves up 

That is why Sane forums are awesome for the support, encouragement to keep on keeping on,  uplifting 


Mum's nurse said that mum has been a bit confused and has taken 2 days to settle in
She seems a bit better today , still some leg pain
Nurse and I had a chat and I suggested a few things that will help

@Former-Member , @BlueBay , @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @tyme 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

That is wonderful that you can talk to her nurse @Shaz51 

They understand how much she means to you and also how much she has been through; along with yourselves.


Certainly makes a huge difference when people do talk to you



Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hugs @Shaz51 ♥️🤗


hi 👋 @Sophia1

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello @BlueBay 

Nice to see you.


It has been a while.

I have not been able to be on the forums that often or well enough to move around ; find people.


I am starting to feel a little better.


I look forward to saying hello more often.

Take care 💛

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Just feeling sooooooo awwwwwww 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Are you OK @Shaz51 ? 

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