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Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Lee82 , it's ok you need to rest when your body needs it and if it's the meds then that's ok too. The team that is helping you just want to keep you safe, not only for you but they are keeping you safe for your boys. So sleep now amd we will talk later. You know that you have a special part in my heart and that I am always with you so rest easy you are not alone. @Emelia8  was right I have slept the best part of today away as I think I may have managed only 2 hours of sleep. I am going to be taking my night meds early tonight so I won't be around much longer but will check in on you when I am awake. Love you 3000

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Beautiful @Lee82














Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

I'm soorry my love. I am so sorry


Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Anastasia @You are truli amazing. Thank tou me wsweet friend. I hope tkus boy is ok

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Emelia8 @Thank yiu my frirnd for everything for being here ti supportme and shoe me you cate 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Goodbight all @Bellarose75 @Anastasia @Emelia8 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

No sorry just better babe. Love you get some rest and we will talk tomorrow @Lee82 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Good night @Lee82 💞

Get some sleep 💤

Tomorrow is a new day ☀


Emelia 💕

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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