Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Nice to meet you Harmony, no apologies needed, it's just what happens. I understood your post just find. I try to avoid posting when overly switchie because some of the alters either not know the guidelines or don't care and have cause issues for us in the beginning.  @Former-Member 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Welcome @Bellarose75 🙏🤗💕🦋

I am happy you are here 💖





Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Thank you sweet lady. Just waiting to see your pic. ❤️ @Anastasia 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Lee82 , sweetness could you possibly support a post. I need to know your ok. 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Sorry you are still awake Kim @Bellarose75 .  Yes I'm worried about @Lee82 as well. But if anyone can get her to talk .. you can.  I'm sure now she knows you are here, she'll be back. Try not to worry too much, her brother was taking good care of her.


Em 💞

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Thanks again Em, it's just really hard to get out of my head when I am in this state. When we where growing up and we were hurting or confused we learnt quickly to focus on someone else and their pain or worries. Back then it was always my siblings, I would sneak them a lollie or cookie if they where crying or if they where getting in trouble and about to be disciplined I would say they where covering for me even if it meant I would be hurt. As an adult I still do this with the only real friends I know and that is all you guys. So naturally I am going over all the worse case scenarios with @Lee82 , knowing what state she was in last time we chatted, well outlook not so great. In saying that I am also worried about @outlander  and @Maggie  and a couple of others. Thank you for chatting with me, but sweet lady say goodnight and rest please. I will chat with you again later today. Love you Em. @Emelia8 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Hi dear @Bellarose75 ...thinking of you, sweet lady 💜

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

I am rtulu sorry dor worryinf you mt love. I love you 3000



also @Emelia8 @Anastasia 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Lee82 @Bellarose75 @Emelia8 








Love to you all 🌸🌼🌸

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Anastasia , has anyone told you how amazingly beautiful you are lately? Good morning my sweet friend. 

@Lee82 , I have never been so happy to cry first thing in the morning. Please take all the time you need to get to a better head space. Don't worry about your friends here just get better. I am so sorry that you are struggling so much lately. Love you more than words can say. 

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