Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Ohhhh @Lee82 😔 💔


Well ... there's only one way now Lee ... and thats UP. Things can only get better from here.  Hold onto that thought.


Emelia 💞

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

No ip for me @Emelia8  

my boys habe been taken fron me. No reasom anymore

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Saw several posts from @Bellarose75 this morning @Lee82 . She was getting around to a few other threads, which was good to see. Not sure if it was Izzy tho, as I think Kim has been fairly prominant. I dont think she got much sleep last night, so I'm hoping she may be catching up on some rest this arvo. 



Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

You'll get them back @Lee82 💞


I have to be with my boy I'm sorry 💔

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Thays good ro hear. @Emelia8  How are rnrbe going foe you 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

I an so sorry @Anastasia 

@hope he wikk ne ok

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

You will get your boys back @Lee82 🙏🌷


And getting them back, is your reason to keep going.


Nobody can keep your boys from you indefinitely.


Just thinking ... If your mum has your boys now, is there any chance of bringing forward your EMDR in-hospital treatment? I know you had to postpone it to a later date when your mother decided to go on holiday. But perhaps your current situation could mean you may get a priority admission. 


As soon as you get well enough Lee, you will have your boys back.



Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

There ja no more spots left my pschiristist tried roday. I wish I could tell you that things wiki be ok but I domt think that is they case. 
I am lost alone and very scared. My world has been turned upseode down. 
my family don't know about this abuaer so they habe no ideb what happened. My family here are all that lnow what happened. 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Mel, you have got to listen to your friends babe you will get those boys back. Right now they are have an extended sleepover at grandmas house and that is it!! You will not give in or give up, those moments where you found a little joy with your boys you are going to hold on tight too amd you are going to fight with every last bit of you. Your friends believe in you, I have never stopped believing in your ability to find a way through this hell. As for meeting an abuser well F him, they have taken enough from you sweetie. You can do this, you are enough and wanted and loved. @Lee82 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

I want ri talk to tiu about it all my live but I am afraid of triggering yiu 

i havebt been ablke to talk about ht yet i habe so many wusetions so many things to say. My psych is away and so I haven't been able to talk with het 

@Bellarose75 my love I am so soeey 

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