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Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

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For this Topic Tuesday we will have Special Guest @Georgie_Paulik from our partner organisation Perth Voices Clinic joining the discussion around your experiences of hearing voices, the impact this has and management tips.

@Georgie_Paulik is a clinical Psychologist and is the Clinical Director and Founder of Perth Voices Clinic. A bit more about her career:

  • Georgie completed her PhD in 2007 from the University of WA and her thesis investigated the role of anxiety in the hearing voices experience.
  • She has undertaken research into voice hearing so that we can understand the experience better – why it happens, when it is most likely to happen, and most importantly, what can we do to reduce distress around it.
  • She helped develop a novel intervention for voice hearers, called Relating Therapy, which helps people to change the relationship they have with their voice (which unfortunately can often be a very negative and bullying relationship) a bit more about that here
  • She has a keen interest in the role of trauma and voices – how trauma can cause voices (for some people) and how to best address underlying trauma.

With Georgie’s wealth of experience, this will be a very interesting and insightful night! We are really looking forward to having everyone involved!

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I'm new here - what is Topic Tuesday?

Topic Tuesday runs from 7pm - 9pm AEST monthly. Each month we focus on a different topic, with the session facilitated by a Community Manager or Moderator. Sometimes Topic Tuesday will feature a special guest, who is an expert in the topic.

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Throughout the session, the facilitator will put questions out for you to answer, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the session, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong and everyone is welcome to get involved.

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134 REPLIES 134

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hello and welcome everyone!

@Shaz51 @Mazarita @Fee1 @Sophia1 @Smashpea @Maggie @Queenie @klara @greenpea

Great to have you here tonight. As you will have seen we have special guest @Georgie_Paulik here with us from Perth Voices Clinic for this discussion on hearing voices. Without further ado, I am going to hand over to Georgie and let her introduce herself!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hi everyone. I am thrilled to be invited today to be the special guest on this incredibly important topic – hearing voices. My name is Georgie. As you will have read, I have dedicated my carer to working with voice hearers, both as a therapist and as a researcher. I am also a strong supporter of the peer support movement and Hearing Voices Network and was on the initial steering committee for both the WA and NSW HVN. Although I am not a voice hearer myself, I sometimes hear voices and see visions when I am waking from sleep. Sometimes these can be really frightening, other times (though less so) they can just be funny, like seeing Craig Mclachlan (80’s Neighbours star) at the foot of my bed. I really look forward to lots of interesting discussion today! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hey Georgie!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hi everyone! Been looking forward to this 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member and @Georgie_Paulik
I tend to hear voices when very distressed emotional and dissociate from my childhood trauma.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hi @BlueBay @greenpea @Smashpea great to have you here! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

@Smashpea great name Smashpea 😛

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hi my name is Soraya, i've been a voice hearer for 30 years with both positive and negative voices.  I've also volunteered and worked with other voice hearers for the last 6 years

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member Hi Lauz 🙂

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