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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It wouldn’t be too late to get into the hunted @rav3n  tonight is episode 4, and ya could catch up online. I watched a bit of last nights episode this arvo in bed cause I went to bed early. 
bit of reality and a bit of drama. I like some game shows… the chase, oh daughter and I love the 1% club…. We both do pretty good with it. I like have you been paying attention, thank god your here and the task master. 
I go through phases where I don’t watch much free to air tv. 

my daughter is 8, nearly 9yrs old. I have her full time and she sees her father fortnightly for the day. 

do you have kids @rav3n ?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

oh perfect! i might check it out soon then, how many episodes are usually in a season? @Bow 


i haven't heard of the 1% club either, seems like something i'd like too. ahh yes i've seen some task master clips! i need to check that one out too, there's actually so many interesting shows and not enough time to watch everything! 
i'm the same in terms of not watching as much aired tv shows anymore, with netflix and all i tend to be impatient with watching ads on tv now.

wow she's 8 and is great with gameshows already! she's definitely going to value all these tv show bonding times as gets older - i started watching shows with my mum when i was almost done high school but those are some of my fav memories still.


i don't have kids, i'm single and don't see myself starting a family for good while - but then again life is unpredictable! do you have any pets?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Not sure how many episodes it usually has @rav3n 


yep, she turning out to be a pretty smart little kid! And very creative like me. She’s grown in so many ways since starting school…. And I think also since we had our overseas trip. Gave her heaps of confidence. 

yes we have pets. I’ve got one ginger cat. His name is Jaffa. Fiesty, unaffectionate and whingy boy. Had him from a kitten. Then I have my fluffy tabby cat Groot. I originally fostered him but of course fell in love with him and couldn’t imagine giving him up so I adopted him. His very quiet, timid and a big smoocher. They are both mine. Then there is my mums dog. She’s a pugapoo named lulu. She is a pest. Terrible noisy. She’s fairly annoying at times! Jaffa and lulu have just spent the last 10mins chasing each other around the house. They grew up together so have this weird cute relationship. 

what about you? 

Re: My Mosaic

Good morning @Bow 

I hope today is a little better for you hon


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Snowie  thank you. Been another rough one unfortunately 

Re: My Mosaic

I'm sorry to hear that @Bow 

Here if you need

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Just wanna cry. It’s been a day. I’m just so tired of fighting. I went and seen my SW this arvo. I kinda drew her a schema map of what I did in my group yesterday. Hopefully so she could understand and also to take to my psychologist appointment tomorrow too to show her. I don’t know what else I was expecting by showing my SW. we did talk through some of it but I still walked away frustrated by the fact that so many people are like ‘just eat…. You know what you need to do’. 
This is schema therapy…. 



Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

aww your daughter sounds amazing @Bow! where'd you go for the overseas trip?


groot like from guardians of the galaxy? love the pets names! haha the cat-dog relationships sounds entertaining 😆


I have a grey rabbit named Puggy. he's bit of an introvert, prefers quiet spaces and doesn't like being touched/carried. he does like pats though. he's almost 7 years old now!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Our overseas trip was 2 yrs ago and went to london, Paris and Disneyland. 

I think that’s where they got groots name from. It’s just the name he had from the rescue and it didn’t really feel right to change it. 

puggy sounds cute @rav3n  i had a rabbit as a kid. Bonnie was her name. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow darlin, thought I'd stop by to see how you're going! 


Thanks for sharing your schema therapy map - how's it feel having it laid out like that? 


Got anything on for the week? How's your art going?

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