Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sure hope it arrives @Jynx  that I get there. 

nothing really planned for tomorrow. My CM is suppose to be calling by. I thought I’d spend the day in bed.  Goodness my body has been screaming for it for days but I always get up. Do something. 
went to my journaling group, had some stuff over to my SW, almost fell asleep during group. Did some Lego when I got home

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow hmm well I mean if a day in bed is what your body is calling for, perhaps you could grant it? I totally know that sometimes we can feel like we have to get up, I mean we live in a very productivity-focused society, and that sense of guilt about laying about doing not much of anything is a message we get from all sides. It can definitely be a source of shame - whether we're aware of it or not. 


That said, if getting up and doing stuff will also help pass time quicker and get you closer to Friday, that's also legit! Lego sounds like an awesome thing to put your energy towards too - I like doing lego because it requires just enough concentration that means I don't end up lost in thought-land. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I guess I’ll see what tomorrow brings @Jynx @whether I get myself up and force myself to get on the treadmill. That will be the big thing. I did want to take daughter to some Anzac event. I want to instil a thankfulness and a respect for the day. We usually go to something. But the thought of having to get up early cause a huge sense of dread and anxiety in me. I am so tired and exhausted at the moment. 
maybe a pj day instead. Most of it spent in bed. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Perhaps decide in the morning? I think you can definitely still instill a thankfulness into the day even in PJ's! And cuddling up in bed with your little one could be just the ticket. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sounds like a plan I think 


How are you @Jynx ?

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Bow 

Hoping you got some sleep last night and today goes ok

If you need a bed day than so be it.

Sending lots of 💕💕

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’ve had mostly a lazy day today @Snowie so tired. 
how r u?

Re: My Mosaic

If that's what you needed than that's what you have @Bow Nothing wrong with that.



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I finally seen pdoc today. He was rather concerned and a bit puzzled by my huge decline since last seeing him. We have switched my night meds back to the immediate release. Fingers crossed it helps. He has also asked that the team check in on me more often given what I nearly did earlier this week. 

im still really not in a good placed. I just can not stop thinking about it. It sends my anxiety high and I feel like I wanna throw up. Wish my brain would stop. Wish my thoughts would ease up. Feeling emotional and teary. 

Re: My Mosaic

Awww @Bow , sounds like a roller coaster of a time! I'm so sorry to hear how hard it is right now.


In a way, I'm glad you were taken seriously and not just told to grin and bear it. 


Were you able to do anything nice for yourself today?


I hope you feel better soon.

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