Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah it’s wooden @tyme  i don’t know where it’s from, mum got it online somewhere.  Mum wants it kept, we’ve slide it onto a board, she’ll glue down. 

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah, it's beautiful. Sounds like both you and mum are quite creative. What's D like @Bow ?


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yes @tyme  mum is very creative too. She’s got 3 quilts on the go at the moment. Plus she’ll do some clothes here and there. 

D is creative too. Always doing some kind of arts and craft. Her room is always a mess! She likes to write as well. She was a good drawer from a young age. 

Are you creative at all @tyme ?

Re: My Mosaic

I THOUGHT I was creative until I met you and Jynx lol. @Bow 


I feel that since my recovery, I've become much less creative for some reason... maybe I'm too busy and I don't prioritise it? I don't know.


But as a kid, I was super creative. I never wanted things to be the same as other people. I always wanted to do something different.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

lol @tyme 


yeah I think you gotta use your creativity otherwise it just shrivels up. You gotta practice it. 

I remember when I was a kid my teachers always commented on my work cause I always chose the hardest and most complicated option. 

your a very busy person @tyme  do you spend much time doing stuff that you want to do? 

Re: My Mosaic

That was me too! I would choose the option that no one else chose because i wanted it to be different. @Bow  I didn't things to be the same as everyone else's. I thought it would be boring. Even with assignments and things, I would choose the topic that no one else did. 


Yes, in a way, you are right. I'm always super busy. In saying that, I don't do anything I don't want. So it's hard to say. I love everything I do and that's why I do it. Yet it's not 'free time', art and craft or anything. 


I think keeping busy and having a very full routine is safety for me. It brings predictability. When I have 'free time' or things are out of routine (like when the kids are on school holidays), I get very unsettled, agitated and upset. 


So I don't know. For example, tomorrow, I've got a very busy day. I've got things planned from 8am in the morning right through to just after 10pm. And this is timed by the minute.


I know it sounds ludicrous, but I feel safety in it.


It's hard to explain. I guess we all have these weird things in us 🙂


I think the bottom line is, if it works, go for it.

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