Re: My Mosaic

Yeah, I'm going to have to wait there. It's only an hour. They have free coffee there - proper coffee...... not instant! So I don't mind have a few coffees.. mochas... expressos... 


I'm going to come out a bit caffeinated, but that's okay @Bow 


Rest up! Please take photos of the lego stuff later!


Actually, come to think of it, last year, I bought the lego boxes from ikea. The big white ones. Not sure if you saw any when you went to ikea

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hope you’ve come down from your coffee high now @tyme  maybe you needed to go for a bit of a run??? Lol

hope your car passed too fingers crossed 🤞. Hate that waiting… when I get a service… or when I get my pink slip for registration. 

 I gave mum a bit of a tour of my new Lego last night lol. I really do have a lot. And I want more! 

and yes, I seen the Lego at ikea last night, but decided not to get any. 

im sitting doing my nails and watching a movie. My Saturday routine. I heaps into mail stickers at the moment, get them super cheap off Temu. I’m putting some Mickey and Minnie Mouse ones on today. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

👋 @Jynx  

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Hey darlin! How's it hangin?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I feel extremely nauseous!! @Jynx  My mum came home last night and I’m about to sit down to my first decent meal in nearly 3 weeks and I am not coping well with it. 

but how was your week away? How’s your dad? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow oh for sure that would be challenging hun! Little tiny steps, little tiny bites, you got this!! 


It's been good so far! I'm still up in NSW tonight, flying back to Naarm tomorrow 😊 I got to have a good chat with dad. It's so hard for him, being such a community-minded person to be so unable to continue contributing to the community in the ways he finds meaningful. And not being able to engage in the things he has passion for, like fishing and surfing... it's heartbreaking for sure. But yeah we had a bit of a chat, I gently reminded him that all 3 of his kids do incredible work in helping people (I'm here, my brother is a MH nurse and my sister is a support coordinator... all three of us ended up working in helping professions!), so even if he can't contribute as he'd like to nowadays, he can be proud of the legacy he's leaving behind. I think he liked that 💜


So ya mum just got back eh, she brought any cool stories home? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Couldn’t do it all @Jynx  couldn't finish it and now I have a different type of nausea.


That sounds like some wholesome time with your dad @Jynx  and he must be heaps proud of all of you with the type of work you are doing helping people. That’s pretty cool! 

nah no cool stories. We spoke every day anyways! My brother is hard work at times, so mum can kinda relax a bit now. We all just had a day at home chilling out. 

My CM called me this arvo. I’m feeling a bit annoyed with her at the moment. Unsupported. Meh

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow oh hun, that's rough. Nausea is so nasty, it feels all-encompassing at times hey. 


Yeah it's been really nice, and getting to spend some quality time with my nephew too! He's such a great kid, absolutely adores me - which makes me very happy cos I've never really known how to talk to children 😅 Turns out it's pretty easy, just find a cool stick and pretend it's a sword!! Or talk to him about video games! Probably helps that I feel like I have the mental maturity of a teenager sometimes 😝


Oh that's intense, 'hard work' eh? Glad your mum has a nice chill home to return to then! 


Aww sorry to hear it... You do usually have pretty good rapport with your CM right? Or am I thinking of your SW? Well if you wanna have a vent about it I'm happy to listen, but also if you just don't wanna think about it right now that's perfectly legit. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Nausea is tricky for me @Jynx  often it is because I need to eat. But if I eat I feel sick. We go round and round in circles. Nausea from eating is the worst. 

Glad you’ve had that time with your family. 

my relationship with my CM is that ok. She’s just overly positive, which can come across as a bit dismissive. I told her that mum was going away and she was all like you’ll be ok, you’ve done it before and you can do it again. That was not what I needed to hear. It was hard enough to ask for the additional support, all I needed was for someone to check in on me a little more frequently. Even pdoc agreed. But there was no change. Thankfully my SW is great. But she is not clinical. And is limited with what she can provide. I had my SW at my place twice on Thursday doing meal support cause she was so concerned.

i don’t know…. People think I’m all good now cause I’m doing this schema group? Or cause I’ve not had a medical admission for a while? Well my EDs been real bad the last couple of weeks. Felt the need to prove them all wrong. I probably should not of driven into the airport yesterday. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow I know it's a totally different situation, but my dad also deals with constant/daily nausea. I've seen the impact it has on him and so can very much understand how difficult it is. I think it's the constant-ness of it too that is so debilitating. Big solidarity hun, it's a rough gig. 


Hmm so perhaps a little too skewed towards a strengths-approach for your current needs? I'm a big believer in the strengths-based kinda care, but it does also need to be trauma-informed, and a good match for the person's needs. Even if your SW isn't all that clinical, could she help you to explain this need to your CM perhaps? 


Do you have folks on your treating team who do understand this interaction between your ED and receiving praise/recognition of progress?

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