Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh for sure I’ll keep her old passports. I’ve got mine and I’ve got my drivers licenses too. I made us both shadow box travel keepsakes things. Got a cut in the top to put all our travel memories in and has a map of the world on the front glass. Old passports go in there too @Jynx 


oh that hair would be cool and super easy to maintain, I’d imagine you’d have to get regular trims though? Any particular colour at the moment?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow aww wow what a great idea! Haha how funny is it finding old licence photos 😆 


I actually trim it myself! I use an electric razor to trim the sides every other week or so, and am trying to get more adept at trimming the top. I'm overdue for a hair appt to neaten it all up again. No colour at present, but I've been partial to a good dye! I like going bright orangey pink, or a nice teal! You ever dye your hair?

Re: My Mosaic

Good afternoon @Bow 

No doubt you are at the market or it's finished and your exhausted.

I hope you sold some of your art work .


Sending some love and much needed energy!!


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Just crawled into bed @Snowie  im so cold! Freezing! 
market was busy, they had a special car show on, so lots more people around. I sold a lot and got a couple of orders. I outsold mum by heaps again, which I always feel bad about! Market was very cold too! It never really warmed up. 
unloaded the car, put everything away and did my nails and now I’m freezing and just crawled into bed. 

How has your day been? How are you feeling?

Re: My Mosaic

So glad the market went well. I know it's probably hard to be really happy in front of you mum, but it just shows how talented you are @Bow 

Bed sounds like a good option!


Cold here too. Have heater on, oddie on and blanket on!!

Still don't feel great. Seems to be lingering on. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Replying to your message @Jynx  hopefully you see it Monday if your around. 

yep… I dye my hair all the time! It’s naturally auburn, I put a very similar colour over the top to cover up all the grey hairs! And to give it a bit of a boost. 
but my hair is falling out a lot. I’m not sure if it’s a consequence of my ED or good old aging. But I’m finding it really distressing. Colouring, washing and even just brushing, heaps falls out. So I don’t brush it much and I go weeks without washing it and I’m very hesitant to dye it. (But I’ve done purple, black, red and browns in the past).


so good that you can mostly do your own hair though! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sorry your still not feeling great @Snowie  hoping you start to pick up real soon!


im so cold! 🥶 need to get out of bed but don’t wanna

Re: My Mosaic

Hoping so @Bow Have psych Tuesday, really need to go.


That first moment out of bed is hard, especially when it's cold!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh I hope you can get there to your psych appointment @Snowie got much else on this week?


im up! Took the iPad off my daughter. Cleaned the cat poop boxes 🤮 worst part of owning indoor cats I swear!! And now sitting down to some soup. 

Re: My Mosaic

This week is a quiet one @Bow 

Have psych and SW(if he decides to show up 🤦‍♀️)


I'm sure D wasn't happy. How many weeks left of school does she have before holidays? S has one week left. Think I would have to put a peg on my nose to change a box!


Soup sounds nice and warm. What type?


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