Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Nah @Jynx  I like to keep my car nice and clean… and plain. Although I do tend to get a collection of empty v cans rolling around! My first car I did pim p out though! Lots of pink fluffy stuff. 

ah the cones of shame! My cats would go crazy with them cones on too. 

yeah feels like a big weekend. Market tomorrow. But I’m just setting mum up and then coming home. I need to do the lawns 😩 argh I hate doing the lawns. And my daughter’s bedroom…. Something needs to be done with that. 
I was unwell overnight so I am tired tonight. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow I do wish I could put more decorations on my car... but I think it's so easy for it to look tacky and reduce potential sell price. Pink n fluffy sounds very you! And don't worry I got bits rolling around the backseat too lol. Probably about time I gave it a good clean out! 


Busy day! Hope market is super chill, even with the lifting and packing on the to-do list! Are there market regulars you tend to see often? Folks you like catching up with? 


Ugh yeah I gotta mow my lawn too. I think one of the weeds out the back has started to become a tree 😅 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Too much @Jynx ??


 my daughter makes a huge mess in my car! And cause she is old enough to get in and out by herself I don’t really see it…. And then I’d randomly open the back door and be like holy moly! 

hmm no market regulars at this market tomorrow yet. We’ve only been doing this one a few times, but we’ve made friends with the stall holders next to us. The other market we do we have some regulars and some friends that stop by. Always nice to catch up with them. 

Urgh yes lawns. Do you have much of a lawn? We are on a corner block, so it’s fairly big out the front. But the back is pretty small, but we have a macadamia tree, and it’s scary mowing out there cause the macadamias go flying! Ouch

Re: My Mosaic

It is a lot to think about @Bow If you live that close to the hospital then that is a bonus. Maybe you can do it like that again. Just stay the one night or have lots of leave to come home.


You never get a good price for a trade in, but at the same time you don't have to worry about trying to sell it privately. Sometimes that is just too much work. And you have to worry about what you do if you can't sell it.

Hot shower and movie sounds nice. Hopefully D goes ok and she comes home tomorrow happy.

It must be anxiety provoking for you hon, especially with what has happened in the past.


Haven't done much today. Just watched some F1 racing and footy.


@Jynx @Bow Yep all four, just did it under a local anesthetic. She looks a bit like a puffer fish!! She is going ok considering what she went through. But they were bothering her quite a bit so better in the long run.

Lots of jelly, mashed potato, yoghurt and baby food!



Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

OMG @Bow 🤣🤣 that is so hectic!! So colourful lol, but no, no I would not go that far 😋 Is that even a car or is it a fruit salad? 😂


Aww nice! I love how involved you are in the whole shebang, and may these connections blossom into fruit!! 


My lawn is relatively small, however my neglect of regular maintenance means that it is a rather daunting task every time I force myself (or an upcoming inspection forces me, lol) to actually get stuck into it. It's not my fav either!! I used to live in a corner house too, the lawn was huge! And I could only afford a whipper snipper at the time so I uh... mowed the whole lawn with it 😅 A rando dude once stopped and actually commented like 'You sure that's what that is for?' 


I was like dude if you wanna mansplain lawn mowing to me be my guest but I'm putting my headphones back on, byeeeee

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow @Snowie @Jynx

Hey bow what do you sell at the market?
My wife is a market regular at one of ours
Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

A puffer fish lol @Snowie that's great 😂


Any funny moments from the anaesthetic? I was a very silly little bean when I had mine!!


Hey @ArraDreaming 👋😁

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Jynx how are you?
Quiet night in tonight it’s Dreamtime At The G night 🖤
Just got one kid home with me who is currently building something weird and mysterious and I am not allowed to see it until he is done (send help)

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @ArraDreaming will be interested to see what they are building too!


No funny moments @Jynx she came out of it ok, except of course very sleepy. Slept the whole way home. I wanted to take a photo of her but she wouldn't let me!! 😁🤷‍♀️

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Haha…. I use to remember when I was a kid the variety car bashes. People would deck their cars out wild like that and then race around the state raising funds for sick kids. 

Oh @Jynx  i can see you doing the whole lawn like that! Gotta make do with what ya got eh?! I hate the whipper snipper… makes my hands buzz and the stupid cord is forever coming out. Think I did the edges last time so won’t do it again this time. I get so paranoid doing the lawns. We got a new mower couple of years ago, different to our old one and no one told me that you had to put oil in it as well as petrol. Destroyed the engine! So I check the oil every 10 mins!

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