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Medication or being homeless?

Anti depressants and how you shouldn't stop them immediately - but what do you put first when you're in low income family?

I hadn't been on mine for a month - finally when my husbands pay came through last Thursday we got them. Yeah !!!!!!!

Friday we get an eviction notice from  our landlord. We're overdue $408 in our rent - so now the guilt for paying for my medications instead of the rent - catch 22 I spose.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Now of course we have to look for a new rental but we can't afford a removalist?

I'm over the whole thing - centrelink wont help me - oh a health care card - wahoo but that won't happen until I go to their office - which wastes petrol.

Why can't anyone - meaning the govt deps - see how hard we have to work when we are ill ? It just escalates our conditions/fears etc.








Re: Medication or being homeless?

that sounds like a hard place to be 😞

I haven't had the experience to the extreme you are in. But I have experienced the pain of how high the cost of medication can get!


It's hard to offer much advice because I don't know your circumstances. So sorry if any of this you have already tried or isnt appropriate or possible for you. 

if your financial difficulties are likely to be short term - some pharmacies will allow accounts and for you to pay it off over time. This isnt a solution if its a long term problem obviously because it will just be another bill you have to pay...


Check out prices online - if the cost of your medication is under the co-payment (which i think is around $38 this year?) there will be considerable variation between different pharmacies. Most will match someone elses price though so if you find out what is offered online you will be able to make sure you are getting the best deal


I would look into the health care card if you are eligible. Again it will depend on what medication you are on as to how much it will save you - but if you're paying the full copayment the difference is about $30/medication/month. 


Lastly it might be worth discussing it with your doctor. I dont know what medication you are on or what other ones you have tried. But some medications are a lot more expensive than others... Its not something to change lightly and it may not be appropriate for you but it could be there is a cheaper option out there for you. 

Re: Medication or being homeless?

It certainly is a tough situation.  Yes it takes established resources to get organised and keep basic needs under control ... and when in a couple situation ... control cant be too tight ...

Sorry we cant help much ... just listen. Take care.

Re: Medication or being homeless?

The health care card gives you $6.20 prescriptions, yes?

Re: Medication or being homeless?

My family member stays off her meds for this very reason. The withdrawals are bad when there is no money to pay for them.

Re: Medication or being homeless?

The pbs co-payment is set at 6.20 for concession prescriptions this year. However pharmacies have the option of discounting this by a dollar. Most will choose to do so unless you reach your safety net

Re: Medication or being homeless?

A comparable study done in the United States reported similarly shocking figures. 45 percent of American respondents said they didn’t visit the dentist regularly because they didn’t feel like it was necessary, Mark Walker dentist. “As a dental professional, that is a fairly alarming statistic and shows how important it is to educate people as to why oral health matters,” Southern California dentist Anoosheh Shahkarami writes.

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