Re: I can’t cope

I was in the water cart @tyme. It was raining so I just sat in it for 12 hours. It was hard work trying to stay awake.


I think the med is helping me to. It’s the one that I have instant and extended release. I’m sleeping so much better. I don’t that the XR when I’m working though. 

I think if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. If it’s what is keeping you level then maybe it’s required. 

Thanks for popping in, I really appreciate it. I like opening up and seeing you have been around.


Im just about to head off into another night shift. I have tonight and tomorrow night left. Roll on Monday morning when it’s done! 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 glad your med change has been fruitful - getting proper sleep is soooo helpful hey!! Hope tonight's shift goes smooth for ya 😉💜

Re: I can’t cope

I didn’t sleep well today which is going to make tonight so hard. Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep in the water cart tonight. I have a big day tomorrow and need to get everything done. 

Im feeling really flat. I’m just hoping that is because of nightshift and that I’m tired. 

Re: I can’t cope

Arghhh. Lack of sleep is painful @Captain24 .


Hope you get to have a rest tonight. What time do you leave today?

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 


I know I haven't been around much but have been following on in the background with everything that has been happening. Hopefully things continue to improve for you, even if it is just step by step. I do realise just how much you are going through at the moment.


I hope work goes well for you tonight hon and you can get some rest there.

Sending bucket loads of love, hugs and cuddles your way hon 💗💗💗

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve been sleeping so well too @tyme.


Im leaving at 5:30 but I have just cleaned my house so I guess I put the time to good use! 

Re: I can’t cope

I know you have enough to deal with @Snowie.


How are you going in hospital? I have been thinking of you.


Im hoping that I have finally turned a corner. Maybe my extended stay was worth it. 

Re: I can’t cope

Still thinking lots about my forum family too @Captain24 💗💗


Hospital is going ok. I think more than halfway so that is a good thing.





Re: I can’t cope

Last night at work a had a few more Deja vu moments. It’s feeling a little uneasy. Do you know if it means something @Jynx 

Im really tired today as I didn’t sleep much or well today. Hopefully with meds I sleep well tonight. 

Im feeling really out of sorts this afternoon, I’m having thoughts I shouldn’t have. Thoughts I’ve been working hard to minimise but I don’t have the strength. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 hmm I mean... whether or not it means something is hard for me to say darlin, investigating further might be better done with your gp/psych/pdoc - whichever you feel safest to breach the topic with. Having said that though, we are meaning-making creatures, which does mean that sometimes we look for meaning where these is none, or seek clarity when the answer is just 'weird how human bodies do that'... and that can make us a bit whacky with anxiety hey!! 😅


Are you worried it will mean something in particular, something bad?


Oh also sleep! Big factor! Could just be over-tiredness causing you to have some wonky feelings today!


Having the thoughts could also be cos your resilience is lowered from lack of sleep. Does NOT mean it's something wrong with you!


Here for ya hun 💜

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