Re: I can’t cope

It’s been life long @Jynx. It’s just getting worse as time goes by. I will go to the beach every afternoon on my own. I’ll need the time out. Plus we have to have dinner one night with my brother and mum has nothing good to say about him except for when he is in the room and then it’s all against me. 


I will need somewhere to vent! 

I hope it’s a corner. I am working hard for it to be. I’m holding onto hope that I can actually make it to the other side. I’m kinda can see it. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 ugh.... so much dysfunction. I really feel for you, and I feel for them too, can't imagine super happy healthy people would spend that much time sniping at each other. And you don't deserve to have it taken out on you either. Yes please utiilise this space to vent as much as you need!! Whether you need someone to hold the space and reassure you it's all gonna be ok, or you need someone to allow you a nice, snarky, tea-spilling session where we critically pull apart all the crap they've said and make fun of em for it, we gotchu!!


Ohhhh heck yes Cap!! Your narrative is shifting!! And because YOU believe in it being a corner, in you MAKING it a corner, then it's gonna be a GOSH DARN CORNER! Because you are more powerful than you realise!! You got this 💪


Can't tell you how much it makes my heart soar to read the hopefulness in your words Cap 💜😊

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