Re: Daily positives


I have 2 threads

Just click on the links 

Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness 


Not sure what to do !!! 

But I am usually everywhere 

Re: Daily positives

Awesome thanks is that a good space fir a general chat or Is there others @Shaz51

Re: Daily positives

Tag  you in some @ArraDreaming 

Re: Daily positives

Hi @outlander @Shaz51 @Snowie @Teej @ArraDreaming @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @frog @Former-Member and all others here. Great thread I've just come across! Where has this been hiding? 

Here is my list of positives today:

- I got my cat Mitz back at long last and moved her into my rental property after her living at my sisters house for most of last year due to lockdown/ housing issues with me in Melbourne 

- I came back off leave from my role as a community guide due to health reasons and I feel so great to be back

- I actually had a laugh watching Peter Rabbit on tv with my housemate tonight after a disagreement with my sister earlier which made my mood feel heaps better.



Re: Daily positives

1. The ability to work and provide for my family even though it exhausts me it makes me happy And I’m definitely very grateful, I like my job which is a huge bonus
2. Some family of my partners are coming down for Easter, they haven’t met our baby so it will be very exciting
3. Chocolate
Not applicable

Re: Daily positives

@outlander @Shaz51 @Snowie @Teej @Jay5 @Daisydreamer @pipinya @frog @girasole 

I know moving into long weekends can sometimes be a bit hard to navigate so I wanted to share some daily positives

1. The sun is out

2. I bought myself a new book 

3. My indoor plants have revived themselves after a touch-and-go period


Would love to hear some of yours!

Re: Daily positives

Hi @Former-Member 

Some great daily positives. I hope you enjoy the new book, but plants and I don't go well together!!

My daily positives are:

1. Kids are on holidays so sleep in's

2. Having a coffee break

3. Took my dog for a walk in the sunshine


I hope you enjoy the rest of you day 😁




Re: Daily positives

1. Our baby’s first Easter and hanging out with family all weekend
2. This beautiful weather
3. The surf is looking good this weekend

Re: Daily positives

1. Made the most of this wintery wooly weather and rugged up our biggest tiny human and went on an adventure to check out the big waves not far from us. Our beach across the road was really big but we went a few minutes drive away and saw the biggest swell I have ever seen in my entire life. Even though it was cold and drizzled for a little while when we were out of the car we had fun. Then we got a hot drink and got warm.
2. Feeling very organised this week which does not happen all that often for me, Sunday’s tend to be a bit of a run around to get things done but we did well this weekend.
3. Heard some new songs that came up on Spotify today and I really liked them

Re: Daily positives

Hi everyone!


My daily positives for today are:

- making and having fried rice for dinner which was really yummy 

- going for a short drive alone to the supermarket and purchasing a Brisbane Lions shopping bag which is hard to get here in Melbourne 

- Listening to the rain on my roof on and off all day

- having the company of my cat Mitz on my bed tonight when I haven't been feeling well mentally.



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