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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member @Adge  yes I think that would be the go. Something little on the side. Have you tried googling vegetarian meals?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member, Dahl makes a great side dish with Indian food, particulary if it's a bit on the thick side, more like a "porridge" than a soup. There's also some great Indian recipes that feature chickpeas and/or potatoes, which are both good, filling proteins.

Serving dishes that have grains and beans/pulses as part of the same meal helps lift the nutritional value of the meal. Proteins are a combination of amino acids. Grains tend to be high in the ones that pulse are low in, and vice versa. If the full amino acid pattern is available, the protein is more readily absorbed by the body. So rice plus dahl does the job. And the extra vegs provide all sorts of other nutrients... and taste good. 🙂


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I have @greenpea , that is where I spotted the korma recipe, I often find however the recipes that appeal have ingredients I rarely use and can be hit and miss as to whether they taste any good. My sister is a fan of the happy pair on YouTube and told me about their chick pea curry - my visitors are going to her place next and it is Iikely she will also make them this as well as dahl.  


A few of the recipes that I have had success with and plan to use have come from the Woolies magazine.


I have a green bean & potato curry @Smc that I could make but even then am wondering if it will be filling enough. I am wondering if  roasted chick peas that have been coated with Madras curry paste would taste ok.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

No idea about the chickpeas with curry paste, but the potato and bean curry sounds like a winner.

If all else fails, cakes, bikkies and desserts are generally vegetarian... 😛

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member  it's a tough one. What about vegetarian Thai meals? everyone likes Thai.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Was hoping to stick to Indian this time @greenpea. I have enough to go own now, I suspected that the one dish would be inadequate and confirmation of this has been terrific.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member  Indian vegetarian meals are super yummy 🙂 . That and thai are my favourite I could live off them.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Don't mind Thai myself @greenpea, been a while since we've had it though. 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member  about to head off to bed. Stay cool and safe Darcy. Love peax

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

'night @greenpea 

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