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Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

I thought it was something like SAD (seasonal affective disorder) @Lilyq, but my psychiatrist says it is not unusual with people living with bipolar type schizoaffective to have mood shifts and psychoses during change of season. Not sure why as he didn't really go into it but he said it could form the basis of some of my mood cycles. I usually enjoy the warmer weather too, but have a tendency to go high followed by a depression.

Anyhoo enough about me, I hope your road trip is fabulous and full of adventure! Enjoy!

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@moriarty Hi moriarty and welcome. I am off to go for a walk before the heavens open might catch you all around later. Have a great day that includes @Lilyq@Queenie. Love greenpea 🙂

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

Enjoy your walk @greenpea 🙂 

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Lilyqnow for an hour of qi gong :P. What have you got on today?

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

Not much @greenpea I am just hanging out at home watching a new show on Netflix called Maniac, it's quite good and is about a guy with mental illness who participates in a study.


Later on I have to take my daughter to the library for an activity there.


What is Qi gong? 

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Lilyq qi gong is a bit like tai chi but gentler. I can feel it already working on my core muscles which is great. I hate being a rolly polly pea :P. Show sounds interesting might look it up. Have a lovely time at the library with your daughter sounds a really relaxing day 🙂

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

I wonder if I'd like Qi gong @greenpea? I used to do Taoist Tai Chi and enjoyed that but found it difficult to find a class or group where I live now. I know there are Qi gong classes as my neighbours across the street do it so I wonder if it is nearby? Hmmm.... questions to ponder.

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Queenie I can thoroughly recommend it 🙂 I am just doing it at home in front of the computer when I can fit it in and it 'seems' to be working. My core appears to be getting firmer (after about a month of seriously doing it) but it is more than that I want a spiritual thing as well which qi gong can deliver me unlike pumping it out at the local gym 😛

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

Sounds interesting @greenpea I have been going to the gym quite a bit lately. I  do a mixture of weights and cardio 🙂 

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Lilyq I used to go to the gym and do weights and cardio when I used to run (when I was 99% manic!). It was so, so addictive. These days more calmer excerise is the go. Done too much damage to my knees to run :(. 

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