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Re: In my 40s feeling no hope

Hi again @Jak33


I don't think you are feeling sorry for yourself in anyway - actually - as I have been attached to sites like this one for years I can soon tell if someone is having a pity-party and you're not


And at times our mothers can be the worst - you are obviously not all right - the world is a nightmare for you right now


I have no idea where you can go next - but you do need help - you seem to have exhausted all available avenues - I don't know what else to suggest


It seems terribly unfair that people with a broken leg or cancer get all the cards and flowers - people can see all of this - but not when you are mentally drained and exhausted - and of course there is something wrong - you're worn to a frazzle with all of this


Thanks for the kind words about my son - it was a nightmare - I had invested so much in helping this child - of course - no one can be loved too much -and I did love him - and it left me badly scarred


But people cannot see grief either - but here - I am accepted - and this means the world to me


And I am sure you will get the same help here @Jak33



Re: In my 40s feeling no hope

You sound like you are going through such a rough time at the moment 😢 i really hope things turn around for you soon. I hope your children step up and take care of you for a little while. Im 36 and struggle daily with depression. Working is what keeps me sane. If i spend too much time at home alone with my own negative thoughts i really suffer.

Re: In my 40s feeling no hope

@Jàk33. Just found your post and wondering if your adult children might like to have a look at the carers section of SANE. May give them a bit more understanding.
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