Casual Contributor

DID anyone else with a System?

We have struggled my whole life with this horrible condition. Every month for as long as I can remember big gaps in memory. Burn marks cuts etc. Only last 3 years have We started getting help. Started coming to some sort of understanding.  But still bad days. Am I only one or othets out tjeir with DID that would like to share tips etc?


Re: DID anyone else with a System?

Hey hey @NoOne

I suffer from DID and I've just kind of learnt how to ride the wave with it. There can be bad days where you have no control over it but I promise you it gets eaiser! 
I have 12 alters. They are unsafe and safe ones. I have quite a few littles that are safe. 
Have you considered looking into the diagnosis? 
I learnt how to deal with it myself. No one believed I had it. They still don't. 
I'm here if you ever need a chat! 

Take care 


Re: DID anyone else with a System?

Hi @NoOne , @Fluttershy1 and anyone else passing through,

I have a rather large system of at least 32... Every so often one will disappear/dormant, or a new one will appear or an old one will reappear. So numbers are hard to keep track of. 

But my first 2, My protectors, My gate keep and a demon are all permanents they never leave they are always there.

How big is your system @NoOne ?

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

@Former-Member - how do you manage it? 
I struggle with 12 of them some of them are protecting and I have some unsafe ones. 
I'm currently in myself so I'm doing okay apart from being in pain. 
nice to meet you

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

@NoOne  Welcome to the forums.


I too have DID and CPTSD. 


Getting help is a really good  place to start. I found reading helped, but it depends on how you want to approach it yourself. Take it slowly. That’s hard, but it really is baby steps. 


A turning point for me happened, when I found a therapist who believed me. I am poly fragmented, so there are a lot of us. Learning to respect the ‘ others’ really helps, but can be difficult when they are struggling with issues.


Yes, there are bad days. You are not alone. 

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

@Fluttershy1, over half of my alters are littles and most of them don't like the forefront they usually have to be negatively triggered out. My 2 first alters have been around since I was quite young my first I actually remember being my invisible friend from 4-7 years old. 

I have my dangerous ones too including a demon who doesn't feel pain and deliberately hurts our body. But I our system protectors have it under control and it rarely gets out now. Also I'm pretty sure my switching started at 12/13 possibly earlier and honestly it became a coping mechanism for many years.

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

I don't have DID, but I really take my hat off to you, @NoOne , @Former-Member , @Maggie  and @Fluttershy1 ...I can't imagine having to manage 32 alters 😮 or even 12 😮

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

@Former-Member - I have certain ones that front when I'm triggered or when I'm in a panic attack, sometimes it can be really hard to get me to settle enough to actually speak to me. It really just depends on the situation. 
I'll be around for most of the day if you wanna chat, I'd like to get to know you. 

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

@NatureLover- some days are harder than others. hope you are well

Re: DID anyone else with a System?

Thanks @Fluttershy1 I'm here if you wanna talk too


@NatureLover , honestly when you've lived with alters as long as I have it becomes a life style really I'm really comfortable with my alters, but most mental health professionals I meet say that it is unhealthy and I should work on integration but I can't imagine how I would cope without alters plus even with integration a strong enough trigger can separate us again. I can go without switching for a long time my longest is 2 years but I've been a little unstable lately so switching more plus not all switches are negative. Some of my alters especially littles will come out when doing things like computer/Xbox games, eating sweet foods like lollies or ice cream. Also my 2 protectors are very good at acting like me so when I'm too overwhelmed and they come out most people can't tell I've switched which is good for my son.

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