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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @Flowerlove22, how are you doing today? RiverSeal 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @RiverSeal  I'm upset  not okay 


I made the biggest mistake to my family  


Are you on shift today?  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Sorry to hear that things are not going that great at the moment @Flowerlove22. Would you feel comfortable sharing with the Forums what is going on for you today? I'm here to support you today! RiverSeal 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@RiverSeal  I told my sister and brother I hated them I didn't want to see them ever again  because they upset me 

My brother is very angry at me  today we had the biggest argument  I told the kids I didn't want anything to do with them  now I am upset  why I don't know 

After yesterday and this week  with thoughts ECT   my brother texted me today saying something really bad  I should do it,   everything is going wrong I am a burden to everyone   


I hate myself right now  I wish I could just....   

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I am really sorry @RiverSeal  


I am sorry I have haven't replied to you over the last week's I didn't want to upset you 


I'm sorry  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Sometimes we say things in the heat of the moment particularly if we are angry @Flowerlove22 . Have you thought about apologising and letting your brother know how you feel? He may forgive you and you could smooth things over maybe. It might feel hard, but it could be the best thing that you could do right now!


There could be legal ramifications if someone is saying to do something bad in an SMS. If you want to explain more about this message, please email





Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@RiverSeal  I said sorry I'm Friday he's the one being moody still  I told him I was sorry he said whatever yesterday and today he's been a pain  


I'm done saying sorry to him  I have done everything for him he's being a pain   would it make him happy if I just left?  Didn't see me again or hear from me?   


About the SMS I don't think sane or anyone here would understand  

I'm done with everything done trying  if he wants me gone I'll get out of his life  


I am tried mentally and physically drained just done 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

It sounds like you have tried to smooth things over already @Flowerlove22 so what else do you think you can do?


Making big statements when you are emotional is challenging so what do you think about giving yourself some space and seeing how you feel when you are less emotional?


I'm sorry you are feeling this way!



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Space from who? 


No point   take care 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Giving yourself some space means doing it at another time @Flowerlove22.


Please reach out to crisis support services if you need a little extra support with this:


Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Lifeline Chat 

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or Beyond Blue Webchat

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732, 

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or Online Counselling 

Kids Helpline (up to ages 25): 1800 55 1800,  

If in immediate danger: 000





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