Re: Not sure what to do !!!

But very sore this morning @Dimity 

Had a sleep in and  we went through one load of stuff we brought home from storage 

Afternoon off in aircon 

Going to visit mum soon 

SIL gave us fish for dinner

How are you xx

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Sorry you're sore @Shaz51 . It's good you're able to start having some of your own things again. 

I'm OK, but my eyes are playing up a bit. I'll head out for a walk soon. It's overcast which is good. I can't see if it's glary.

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51, agree with @Dimity. I hope getting your things out of storage helps out. xx

All fine here, not too much rain where we are.

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Dimity , @Smc , @Faith-and-Hope 

Saw mum yesterday afternoon and her new  dress looks soo big on her already 


Hope you have a OK day today 

2 jobs today and try to buy some shoes for mum ( slippers are no good they say )

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51, yeah, it can be a challenge adapting clothing choices to fit aged care necessities.
Dad never wore slip on shoes before going in to aged care, but he couldn't do the shoelaces up himself so he needed slip on shoes. They are nice looking and comfortable ones though. And some of their clothes weren't workable because they couldn't go through the industrial style washing machines and dryers... Dad always wore jumpers. So we went on the hunt and found some genuinely nice windcheaters. Lots of little adjustments in between the big ones.


Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Shaz51 hope you find shoes. My last pair I bought online as I'm hard to fit but knew the brand.

I'm waiting on a gardener/handyman but it doesn't look as though he's coming. I've just rung a plumber too but it's not urgent - just as well as it's a public holiday here tomorrow. 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!


Thinking of you 🙏

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Hello @Zoe7 , @BlueBay , @Smc , @Dimity , @Determined , @tyme , @StuF , @Faith-and-Hope , @Jacques , @Appleblossom , @moderator 


Christmas is a very hard time to please everyone 

We had no invitations for Christmas day last week until this week 

My cousin asked if we are coming for lunch and we said lunch 

Then we got one from my step daughter and we are arranging another time 

Then the hospital rang and said am I having lunch with mum on Christmas day!!!!!!!!!! Feeling sooo bad about this 

Said I will visit on the day sometime but feeling sooo guilty 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Too popular eh? @Shaz51 .


I'll have to put your name down for our forums Christmas banquet lol....


Then you'll know EVERYONE wants you!

Re: Not sure what to do !!!


Christmas can be a pain in the arse 😞


Don't feel guilty. You can't be everywhere at once. I'm sure your mum will be happy to see you on the day and understand

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