Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I have struggled with body image for about 25 years but my ED has only really been a major issue for the last 4 years with ED behaviours. I have a treatment team but feel I am not improving.  I am more aware of my actions though.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@SarahBee Question 2: What is an eating disorder and what is body image?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Its all good @BlueBay getting a bit embarrassing now lol Not in the mood for this ., was just asking a question

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hello, just catching up.

I started to have body image and eating issues during puberty, and linked acceptance and being liked/loved with being thin. While I have moved a long way from then, I am finding some of the food and body worries are back in lockdown.

Hi@SarahBee @cloudcore @BlueBay @Daisydreamer and everyone here!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Millieme - welcome, thanks for joining us tonight 😃 I can really relate to the body changes as well. It can be really tricky to navigate when our body changes as well as not being able to engage in our regular routines. I'm going to touch base on this later tonight but I found that my other mental health stuff was prioritised over the eating/body image stuff which led to not being diagnosed for several years. We are going to chat about ways to reach out for support later too, so keep an eye out. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hello @cloudcore , @Daisydreamer , @SarahBee 😀👋

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I was hospitalized as a teenager during school holidays for an unrelated illness and spent six weeks on the ward until I had gained sufficient weight to be allowed home. I then returned to boarding school 2500 KMs from my home and my family didn't really mention it again. More than forty years have passed and I still struggle with my body image. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

What is an eating disorder and what is body image?

An eating disorder is a serious mental illness that usually involves harmful and extreme preoccupation around food, eating, body weight and/or exercise.

Anyone can develop an eating disorder – regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, body shape, eating disorders do not discriminate.

People with an eating disorder may:
- experience extreme dissatisfaction with their body
- be secretive about their food intake
- worry about gaining weight
- engage in body checking, such as regularly weighing themselves
- feel out of control around food
- be constantly dieting (eg. caloriecounting, avoiding certain foods)
- engaging in excessive or compulsive exercising
- have constant preoccupation with food
- withdraw from their usual activities

Body image involves the thoughts and feelings you have about your body. These can either be negative, positive or neutral (my fave!). Our body image can be influenced by internal factors (eg. low self-esteem) or external factors (eg. comparing self to others, unrealistic body and beauty standards). Negative body image can also impact anyone, regardless of who they are or what they look like!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Shaz51 @RedHorse good to see you!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Shaz51 and @frog , thank you for joining us tonight! Smiley Happy

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