Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Oh you just melted my heart @Bellarose75 thank you xoxo


Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Beautiful flowers and teddy bear gifts @Anastasia ... thanks heaps.  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’“  And I totally agree with @Bellarose75 that you are one of lifes beautiful people ... how lucky are all of us!


@Bellarose75 thanks for some further insight into your life while growing up.  And explaining how some of those childhood habits have carried into your adulthood.  I hope you can eventually learn how not to take on the hurts and worries of your loved ones, either here or in your real life.  Its such a heavy burden to place on yourself.


I'm so pleased we have heard briefly from @Lee82 this morning, and I hope that allays some of your concerns.  Although I know it wont take away all of your worries around how she is doing, because clearly she isnt doing that well.  But she is safe, and thats the main thing.  Thats true, and I agree totally, about @Maggie , whom I miss very much.  


I hope Bella that you eventually got to sleep and had a decent amount of rest, enough to sustain you for the day.  Its a pleasure to be here for you when I can @Bellarose75 ... that wont change.  I wish for a better day for you today.


Sending you love and wishing you some peace from some of the more wayward alters.


Much love to you all


Em ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•


Image result for hugs from tweetie brd

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

I am si sorry for the worry I have caused you my beautiful Izzy I have has a terrible weekwnd. I wasn't to apologise for my writinf in adnace I am vety heavily medicated. 
i wohld lobe to tell all my friends here the whole story byt I'm afraid it wilk braak many quidlines so I'm sorry half the story snd leavinf you readi g between the lines is all I cab give
Saturday I was allowed ti go to sbe shops on my own for a couplw thongs. While there i got a tap on my shoulder whixh in its self made me jump. It wad wone of my abusers he mads me sit there whilw he spoke ro me. I just satred at the floor and it felt like ir went on for agws 

when I was allowed to leave I wemt straigje to me car and drive to u am not eveb sure nwhere I had a massibe moment of weakness and did somethon very bad. All I cab say now is that the catf team was callwd. I an home how but am not doing the best. I huat want to neber wake up anymore. I feel I habe lost the fight. 

i hipe you arw doing as well as you can be my love woth wverything that is going on for myou. I still am always thi king of you akl the time. I will always llobe fyou. @Bellarose75 you are my Angel my soul my eberything 


i habe aldo you @Emelia8 and @Anastasia on my mind and hope you bith are doing ok too. 

thabk god for the little oics next to everyone's name because it is so bery difficult for me to see stright at the moment. 

this message has takwn me a bery beey long tkme to weot so I hope you hare able to aunsderstand it. I am si sorry I an feeling very alone srofht now and need a little compaby if anyone is around. I am vert sensitive and havmet stopped crying all fat. 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Oh @Lee82 my heart is breaking for you. I am here with and for you hunny. I'm so so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Anastasia @Thank you si mich for your support mr friend it means more to me than I cab ever explaon. I hope you ans youe boy are foing week 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Lee82 ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’”

I've read between the lines. So very sorry for what happened with one of your abusers, and for what occurred as a result. Thank goodness CATT became involved and made you safe. Your brother had been staying with you ... is he still doing so?


I am here to keep you company for a while if you'd like. Can be here until around 6pm.


I see @Anastasia is here too. Hope you are okay @Bellarose75 


Emelia ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒป

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Thank you sweetie @Lee82 

Here's some treats for you. And lots of gentle hugs my dear friend ๐ŸŒธScreenshot_2021-03-13-14-50-18-95.jpg




Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

My family is vwry vwry andgery with my at the momnent so I have someone poppinf in deon time to time to nice me imy meds but that's it. My boys habe been takem off me and are living worth Mum at the momwnt1 I  am wo drugged up right. I cannot weven move 

@Emelia8 @Anastasia @Bellarose75 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

Th ak you beautoful. Just need ti see the oictyres 

@Anastasia @Emelia8 @Bellarose75 

Re: D.I.D + C-PTSD + Life

@Emelia8 @I juat need to k oe that Izzy is ok habe you hearsd drom her

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