Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Yes u might b right @coffeegirl

Wish I could skip Christmas though, but feeling like that about everything

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Thanks @NikNik I find it so hard to manage celebrations on my own there's no back up for breaks

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

@Former-Member - that might be the perfect reason to head to the park Smiley Wink

You have created a great segue...  Self care... Christmas tends to become about everyone else but ourselves. We go on holidays, take time off work, have people over etc - so our routines are broken, so there is a huge risk of slipping into bad habits or letting our own mental health slide.


Does anyone have tips on how to continue their self care?


Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Keep up routines?

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi everyone ,

My joyous christmas involves - Getting together with family ,  three of our children live too far away to come up although they did come up during the year , our Daughter lives near us so she is making christmas breakfast for us

we are going to have two weeks off work, but I can see my husband wanting to keep working

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

BE PREPARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have learnt my lesson on this one....

The past few years I have made a few plans to ensure that my mental health and my recovery doesn't suffer. I have done this by:

1) Booking in an appointment in December for mid Jan with my psychologist: whether I'm feeling gread in December or not... or haven't needed to see my psychologist for a long time... REGARDLESS of the circumstances, I have found it VITAL to make that appointment. The worst case scenario is that I turn up to the appointment and I'm okay.


2) Make sure I have enough meds to get me through. One year my medication ran out and I just kept putting off and forgetting to go to the chemist (I would conveniently remember on public holidays)

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

hi ,

My husband feels like this everyday --- Wish I could skip Christmas though, but feeling like that about everything

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

For me it's been important to have a list of things that I enjoy or can turn to when things are tough.

When I'm in the middle of it all, I tend to find it all a bit too hard and I don't want to have to think of things that will help me.

Years ago a counsellor helped me construct a list of things to do and/or people to call that I enjoy. Most of them are distractions - like a list of great movies and TV shows I can tune out to, people I like talking to etc. And there's also some strategies to take care of myself - @Louis-Rigolly mentioned mindfulness - on my list I have the 'body scan' as one of my exercises I do when I'm stressed.


I actually have a physical list in my room, which I check out when I feel anxious / stressed etc.

It really helps me.

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi @Shaz51 🙂 Thanks for sharing your 'joys' of christmas 🙂 . With the children who live too far away, do you catch up with them on Christmas day via the phone or skype or something along those lines?


@Former-Member , @Eagle  and @coffeegirl - thanks for sharing your self care tips

Being prepared, thinking ahead and routines - seem to be the key takeaway from your points.

Re: LIVE NOW // Topic Tuesday // Finding the joy in Christmas

Thanks to everyone for taking part tonight – whether it be asking a question, sharing an experience or offering insight and support.


I have really found tonight interesting. In particular, I think some of the important points/highlights include:

- Self care is important - and planning ahead and maintaining a routine is vital

- You don't have to be alone - there were some great suggestions on where you can go to be around people on christmas day, if you wish. A great suggestioned by Coffeegirl

- We all have some sort of stress or anxiety assosciated with Christmas: which makes it okay (as long as we take care of ourselves.

Finally, for those who want some company on or around Christmas, the Forums will still be here 24/7. We are having a special Friday Feast on Christmas night too!

For those who haven’t been to our Friday Feasts before, check it out here – we get together every Friday night, each bringing a plate of virtual food, we share a meal together and have a chat and this Christmas night won't be an exception.

Thanks everyone!

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