Re: Nothing Changes

Thank you @tyme  for tagging. @BossBaby that's true. sometimes i have the same . Not at all low of attraction. Enjoy every moments even with simple things. what i do is just having a positive mind. Even though bad happens, I think that's the best way without having worse of it .

Re: Nothing Changes

@RoseBlue Even survival experts for MOSAC (mothers of sexually abused children) advise to "view crisis as a challenge, not a horrible situation that you cannot endure."

There are victims of genocide who lose entire families and still manage to find refuge somewhere and become good, productive citizens of society.

It's bedtime here, good night!


Re: Nothing Changes

I guess it's definitely one of Life's biggest challenges.. to see the light where there seema only dark..

The silver lining amongst the storm clouds & then also how to make Lemonade out of Lemons..

I know I need to try and do all of this and also not focus on the past too much.. life is not a rehersal and we only ever keep on keeping on.. learning from our experiences and trying to enjoy it when we can..

Re: Nothing Changes

@tyme ty for your response and yes I am also learning to have low or no expectations.. of life & others.

Not to be negative or pessimistic but just living in the moment and taking care of myself without depending on others for anything but still seeing the value in ppl & connections 💓

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