Re: My Mosaic

I'm glad you have your SW then @Bow and that your relationship with her is strong/trusting.

If she can tell your gp things you struggle to speak about, that must be good. At least then your gp is in the loop.


I saw a SW before I went into hospital. He is meant to be coming back out in two weeks to see me. I'm not sure what to think. I didn't feel that instant connection. It's not as if I will tell him how I'm going, especially since I don't even know him.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

You got any plans for tomorrow @Snowie ?

Re: My Mosaic

Have to drop S of at school then go organise a few things for his birthday for Friday @Bow.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow afternoon. Time to get rid of the greys!!

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