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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’m always a bit shocked when they allow me to go home after what happened @Snowie @Ru-bee  just gotta ask and they are like yep sure. See ya. 

I was also surprised at how low my potassium currently is and they sent me home 🤔


@Ru-bee  in all honesty it’s a bit weird being home. I know a part of me knows I needed to stay but who wants that? And there is so many other factors… 

Re: My Mosaic

Mmm, of course it's a complicated situation @Bow 

Did they tell you how you can get your potassium up at least? 


Do you feel like it'll be helpful to talk to your SW when they come tomorrow about your current care and support needs?



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Ru-bee  I already take a potassium supplement, so they have said to double it. 

Hopefully I’ll feel up to talking to my SW tomorrow. The psych reg that I spoke to at the hospital today asked about my current supports and I expressed the lack of support from my CM and the team so he said he would ask for that to be increased…. Doubt it will be though. 

Re: My Mosaic

Sending you some strength for when you see your SW @Bow (if you haven't already)

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Ru-bee 


just out getting a few groceries. I’m slept really well last night, but had some really vivid dreams.  Still extremely tired today. 

im anxious about seeing my SW. I know she will be nothing but kind and compassionate, but I was not honest with her. 

how r u today?

Re: My Mosaic

I'm good, got up early and had a good start to the day @Bow 


I think it's understandable to still be tired, I imagine just getting through this past week has taken a whole lot of energy 


Is there anything that would help you to be honest with your SW? I know it is a very scary and vulnerable thing, but sometimes all it takes is a few seconds of courage to get things moving

Re: My Mosaic

Sending lots of loving support to you @Bow 


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sometimes getting up early can be such a good kick start to the day @Ru-bee  start getting things done early and you get so much done. I slept in today, didn’t even get to help daughter get ready for school, she just came down and gave me a kiss and a hug goodbye.


My body is sore in place that I don’t know why it’s sore! And my energy has just been zapped from me! 

it’s hard to be honest about SI details I guess. Hard to be honest about what you have access to cause you don’t want it taken away. 

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah I can understand that @Bow, but I guess they can't really truly help without knowing the truth


It sounds like your body is asking for rest right now, take it easy if you can

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow I get the not wanting things to be taken of you. In the same position.


I'm sorry hon, I hope things improve with more support

Take care 💗💗

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