Re: My Mosaic

I have zero creativity @Bow My worst subject at school was art!!


I think it is a great idea for you hon, who is very creative. And if it helps you, then that is just a bonus. I'm sure your supports love it too. When you aren't doing well, it is a great way of letting your supports know without having to tell them too.

I do journal sometimes but nothing like that.

Do you find you keep it up to date or are there times where you get behind on it?


My day is going ok. Missed my psych appt today (she is sick) so went and got my nails done with D. Thought it was better than sitting at home thinking about the missed session and I got to spend some time with D!!


How are you feeling today?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It’s a fun way to journal @Snowie  i suck at daily pouring my heart out onto paper. 

I do get behind sometimes. But always catch up ready for appointments with my psych. I was very consistent for a good 4 months though. 

glad your day is going ok. And you got some nice time spent with your daughter. 

still feeling rather miserable. Spent the day in bed again. I did some Lego, did a heap of journal pages up until November. Did a colouring in. I am certainly getting bored. Missed arts and craft, hopefully I’ll be well tomorrow to get to my journal group. Go to the post office and pick up my passport. Just had a shower. @Snowie  I washed my hair for the first time in 4 weeks 😢😩😭 it’s become a rather traumatic experience, but it really needed doing. I’ll go crawl under a rock now and cry 😭😭

Re: My Mosaic

It would be a fun way to do it @Bow 

It lets your psych know how you have been going too, especially if you are not up to talking about how you are going.


D's been at work the last 3 days so haven't really seen her, so nice to spend a bit of time with her. It was either nails or brooding about my psych session!


Sorry you are still not feeling well hon, you must have gotten a bad case of whatever is going around. Missing arts and crafts would have been hard today. Well done for filling in your time however. Hopefully you can get out and about tomorrow and to your journalling group. I know with each day it becomes harder and harder to try and fill in the time.

I totally understand the not washing hair. I don't know when it went onto my "too hard" list, but I find it such a process. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow holy guacamole those journal pages look AMAZING 😍😍 


You've definitely inspired me! Now I think I'll take a little trip to Officeworks (and try NOT to buy a bajillion shiny new pens.... hmmm maybe just a few 😜)


How are your evenings unfolding for you lovelies? @Snowie @Bow 💜

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Jynx 

Was meant to have tea with both kids, D's boyfriend and hubby. First time for awhile they were all home at the same time.

Went to the trouble of cooking.

S got called into work, D and her boyfriend got called out on a job (they are both SES) and hubby at pub with friends 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Well that dinner went well!!

At least I don't have to cook for tomorrow night. Already done.


How has your day been?


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Jynx  im back in bed already. Where I’ve spent most of the day. Managed a couple of piece of toast for dinner. 

I’ve tried keeping myself busy today while in bed though, Lego, journaling and stuff. 

really hoping that I’m on the mend tomorrow. 

Oh no @Snowie  all that effort of cooking! 

Re: My Mosaic

I know @Bow 

Home alone again...

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie aww dang, I can imagine you were looking forward to having a nice family dinner! Must be challenging to find a time where everyone is available. 


My day has been alright, didn't get enough sleep but seem to be plodding along okay. Gonna take myself to the 24/7 Kmart after work and get me some door snakes, it's just way too draughty in here! So keen for that shopping dopamine 😋

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Ach you poor thing, this sickness must be smacking you round a bit @Bow! I hope the worst of it passes soon! I get soooo bored when I'm sick haha. The little one been keeping you company I hope? 

Re: My Mosaic

With two kids working, hubby working, their sport and D staying at boyfriends house, it is nearly impossible for all of them to be home at the same time @Jynx So when they are home together I make sure we all eat together.


24 hour kmarts are the best. I have one about 25 mins away. Need to go soon and stock up on a few things. Door snakes are a good idea, especially in the cold weather now.

I hope you are able to get some more sleep tonight.


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