Re: I can’t cope

Oh... I wouldn't like to be in your shoes to go out for a birthday lunch/dinner with so many people around... I get frustrated when there are too many people. Even when I consider it, I hate going to the shops on weekends because there are so many families and it's so much busier! @Captain24 


What are you going to have for the birthday dinner? What's your fav cuisine?


I'm glad you took Pix and Jett out.


Ruby is wild when she escapes out of the house. How do you train them? Ruby used to be so timid and never wanted to leave our side... now as soon as she can, she escapes for her life down the road and it's so hard to get her back. How do you get them to come back, especially as Ruby is not enticed by treats or food... I know she's only a pup, but I'm scared she'll get hit by a car or something.

Re: I can’t cope

I’m certainly not looking forward to it. I don’t do people. Plus it’s with my parents and I have to go to their place for cake after. @tyme.


We’re just going to the pub. I love a good pub feed! My favourite cuisine is Thai. We have two Thai places here and both are fantastic. Up there with the best I’ve had. 

Pix is pretty good. I just say ‘treat’ and she comes back. I did teach her the come command as well. But she is very much treat orientated. Jett doesn’t do well with come but he has never gotten out so I don’t know how he will go. I have discovered that he loves liver treats so I can start trying to train him with those. Mum has problems with Keiko. Nothing gets her back she just runs! We are worried about a car too. She has no road sense.

Is there any little treat that she likes? 



Re: I can’t cope

I reckon Pix will 'boss' Jett and tell him to come back? @Captain24 


I don't know with Ruby.. this timid pup is a rascal now... I reckon she's been too long around my youngest niece... the fire cracker one. They bully each other. Ruby keeps taking my niece's socks off... only does it to her. Walks around her and keeps nipping at the socks until she can get them off. Then My niece squeezes her with hugs and 'walks' her by the ear....


In a way, they are best friends and very cute to watch.


So yeah, I'm going to have to find something that Ruby likes more than escaping... Just don't know what it is yet.


You know how you see the dogs outside that just 'come back' and 'do as they're told'? Ruby is far from that. I'm thinking whether we just let her out and eventually she'll come back?


I'd be interested to hear if Keiko learns to return.

Re: I can’t cope

I don’t know @tyme. Jetts very stubborn and arrogant! She would just look at him with disgust that he wouldn’t do as he is told and look at me like ‘see mum I’m a good girl’ 


Just so you know she is going to get way worse before she gets better! 

Thats a cute relationship to have. 

Do you walk her? So she knows where home is? My suggestion is to walk her different ways so that she knows how to get home. 

Yeah. My two aren’t well trained. I should’ve put more into them as pups. 

Keiko is untrainable. We can’t even teach her to sit. At least my two do that. If we can finally train her I’ll let you know! 

Re: I can’t cope

Just managed to have a shower and washed my hair. Now to get dressed to go out. 

Im getting really uneasy about it. There is way too many people for me. It’s going to be loud and noisy. 

I’ve run out of smokes and I’m badly craving one. But it’s too busy in town to get some. I’m going to dinner in mum and dad’s car so I can’t even try while I’m out. 

Anxiety is rising

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