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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

It was good timing. @Bow. We don’t have a proper Kmart! If I get everything done this weekend I will do one of them. 

Re: I can’t cope

so proud of you @Captain24!! after a tough night, you managed to go to the vets, walk around and do some shopping - sounds like a great big step 😊

sorry that you still feel unwell, maybe a nice wind activity might help - those lego sets look fun, are you planning on building one of them tonight? hope you're keeping warm 💗

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @rav3n. I couldn’t let Jett down. It was his last rehab appointment. The last thing I felt like doing was 2 hrs each way. I did drive carefully and I had to keep pulling up. 

I’ve got the heater on and I’ve just done some ironing and 2 loads of washing. I need to get everything sorted this weekend for my admission. So lots to do. 

I could do one tonight. I’ve achieved a bit considering. It’ll get me out of my head for a little while. It’s very dark in there still. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 that's good you pulled over and took breaks! Jett's lucky to have you look after him 😊


looks like you're getting ontop of all the prep for the week, busy day hey! how are you feeling about the admission? 


if you do decide to do the lego, i'd love to see the progress/finished work! 

Re: I can’t cope

Both of my dogs are really spoilt @rav3n. Well I’d rather say ‘well loved!’ Pix spent the day at mum and dads. I didn’t want to have to take both of them


I’ve still got 9 days to go but I just have a lot happening in those 9 days! I’m looking forward to it in a way. It’s the next stage from my admission in March. But I am filled with anxiety about having to go back in. 

What time do you finish? 

Re: I can’t cope


Where Jett likes to sit. 

Re: I can’t cope

Heya @Captain24 ,


Cute photo. I didn't realise Jett was so small. I always thought they were bigger.

Re: I can’t cope

He is only 3 kgs @tyme. I’ll try and get a photo of them both near something that will give you an idea of size. Just might take a little while. They are not cooperative! 


 This is the base of the Chrysanthemum @rav3n. I’ll do the rest over the weekend. Just wanted to show you I started! 

Re: I can’t cope

Very cute. I've seen pics of them together, and on your lap, but this photo makes him look so small.


Do you have a shift over the weekend? @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 aww Jett's such a cutie 💗 

Oh I see, totally valid that you have some mixed feelings about it. Is there anything in particular that's causing you anxiety? Maybe we can figure out some tools to help you there!


loving the progress with lego, thanks for sharing 😍


i finish up at 10 🙂

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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