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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 sorry I didn't end up replying at ALL last night, I too was pretty absorbed in the Webinar! And then suddenly it was clock off time haha. 


And yeah, I think for me the best thing about the webinar was just how open, almost casual she was with sharing her story, which I think really goes a long way to helping us to de-stigmatise. Like, "No, I'm not gonna talk about this in hushed tones behind closed doors because this is just part of life for me." 


How are you feeling this evening hun? 💜


And big wave hello 👋 to you as well @Bow and @Snowie, how've you two lovelies been chugging along today? 😁

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Jynx 

Day has been just another day. Had appt. with pdoc. Cooked tea. Early night.

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Jynx 


Been a hard day, but it’s nearly over. Had bloods this morning and then just been pottering around the house doing stuff. 

how are you?

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Bow @Captain24 @Snowie ,


How are things?

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , no, am still sick - can't seem to shake it 😣


I'm very sorry to hear your GP is leaving - that sucks. 😥

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @tyme 👋 

how r u?

Re: I can’t cope

@Bow I do love a good potter! Especially when it results in like, a spontaneous furniture re-arrange or coming up with a cool idea to solve a problem! Did you get a lot done? 


I'm alright, had a dentist appt today so my teeth are all extra shiny, but extra sensitive! And we found my last wisdom tooth haha, it still hasn't come out! It's hanging around growing all sideways pushing into my other teeth, and maybe even messing with my sinus! So gonna have to have surgey to get it yanked, eventually. Sigh... Stupid 'luxury bones'. 

Re: I can’t cope

@tyme crappy

Hope your day has gone ok


Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Jynx.


It was awesome last night. She was just so blasé about it all! I hope one day I can speak like that about it all. 

Today has been a yo-yo @Jynx @tyme.


Ive been elevated and I have crashed. I’ve had awesome conversations with people at work and I’ve also withdrawn into my shell! It’s really tough when days are like that. It messes with your head. And no it’s no ‘oh at least you had some good’ they were over the top good. That stuff leaves for bad times. Right now I’m struggling. 

Hope you are both well.


Im sorry you are still sick @NatureLover 


Hi @Snowie sorry about your Pdoc appointment.


Yes @Bow more Lego.


Hope everyone is doing ok. 

Sorry if I missed anyone. I have read everything though! It was nice to come home to. Feeling the love. Thank you


Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Bow ,


Read you had your bloods done. Hope results are okay. How are you managing with everything? Will you go to the markets yourself? Anymore schema groups lately? Hope they haven't been cancelled on you again. 


It was super cold here today.. then the sun peeped out from the clouds. My day's been pretty okay... there has been better, but it's okay. I can't complain.


@Captain24 , ouchy with your eye! How's the healing? Eye drops aint nice.... I usually cry them all out if I try and put some in lol.


When you said it was awesome, are you referring to the webinar last night? I'm itching to watch it once it's out.


@NatureLover , hope things are improving for you. Have you been able to do anything like get out a bit? I know you mentioned volunteering. Has that been possible?


I'm going to hope over to the PGC soon. Chat after.

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