Re: I can’t cope

I can’t do it.

Re: I can’t cope



Im just checking in to say I’m heading off to work.



Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 , I'm happy to be your friend.

I'm mostly using the phone so it's all slow.

And I'm time fluid at the moment. But I usually let myself sleep at about eight pm. I can change that a little.

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


I've only just seen your messages....are you ok today? How did work go?

Re: I can’t cope



Welcome to the forums.


I joined not to long ago myself. I suffer such debilitating depression that I couldn’t get out of bed for days weeks. like yourself I also didn’t even want to wake up. I’m also a SH. and after about 6 years or so I fell back into it again. 

I can completely understand and relate to where you are atm. It’s a hell no one can understand unless they have experienced it. 

The best thing is you have done is come onto the forum. When you come onto the forums you see you’re not alone with all those maddening thoughts that are running through your head. There are people that can relate to what you’re going through. Take that comfort and advice. I did and I feel better. I’ll never be completely better but I can try to manage better.


As they say take it 30 minutes at a time , hour at a time, day at time etc. antidepressants work, don’t worry about any stigma that people attach to them, they help.  If you have been like me and stuck in bed get up have a long shower and do something nice for yourself.  Also go for a walk it clears your mind. If you can’t do those that’s fine but do see that appointment for the antidepressants and keep up the conversations on the forums.


I know that everything seems like it’s to hard but believe me just over two weeks ago I thought I wasn’t going to be here anymore I was in the deepest blackest hole that I  couldn’t see any light.
Now I’m feeling better because I’m on medication and I’ve talked to people and made some necessary changes. I know I’m on a thread as I always slip back that’s how this disease goes. But this forum is always there for advice. 

I find comfort just reading other people’s stories knowing that you’re not alone. You are one of many. Remember that. I did. We aren’t alone. I can’t cope you aren’t alone. 

I felt so very very alone, until I came here. It’s devastating that so many people suffer but we are all together fighting.


please remember that. Try to do one positive thing today.




Re: I can’t cope

thinking of you today @Captain24 😊

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @sosad-666 


Welcome to the forums. I have been here around 2 years and have found immense support. 

I appreciate your support on my post. I am now in a much better place. Right now I’m struggling but I have had good days. 

For a long time I couldn’t see anything other than darkness. Some days I am actually surprised that I am still here. 

I am glad you are starting to feel a little better and have been receiving help. 


Re: I can’t cope

Hello @Ainjoule @Shaz51 @Stout.


Thank you all for supporting me. 

I still not doing so well. I have come home extra early from work. I just said my back was aching. I’m on light duties due to injuring my back. 

I have a few things that I need to do around the house so I’m think I might try and do some. 


I need to clean out the spare room as the dog/house sitter has a friend that doesn’t with her. So I need two beds. 

Im just tired and emotionally drained. It has been a really hard few days. I’m at the point where I don’t feel like I can face another minute.

Anywho how are you all today. 

Re: I can’t cope

No probs

Re: I can’t cope

I feel like I have supported you
Hope your ok
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