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Re: Wanting to make friends

@KEJ  you might be interested in tonight's Topic Tuesday discussion which is scheduled to start soon. Topic Tuesday//BOTH FORUMS// Creative expression and our wellbeing! // Tues 28 July 7- 8 30pm AEST f... 

Re: Wanting to make friends

Oh Darcy

Sorry I missed it, but never mind. Maybe a little of notice would help. I would love to be there for the next one.



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Re: Wanting to make friends

@KEJ  the "Topic Tuesdays" are put on the forum home page well in advance you can find them following the link here .


How are you going?

Re: Wanting to make friends

Hi Darcy


I am struggling at times with my voices but at the moment I am focusing on my recovery from my operation on my left wrist.  I had to change my dressing and found I have six stitches. They will be removed in a few weeks time.  I still have not made any friends yet but I hope to gain some soon.

Thankypu for your on going support!

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Re: Wanting to make friends



I do hope you recover well. Making friends is hard and each time we have moved I have had to be quite intentional about it and join an interest group to meet others.


I am wondering if you would find a little more support on the LE side of the forum (you are on the carer side) there is a lot more activity, today they have  Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!  and you might find that posting your story under a "new discussion" here will yield a lot more replies.  As carers we often work as well as look after our loved ones so often our replies are delayed whereas on the LE side responses are usually a lot quicker.

Re: Wanting to make friends

Hi, I live in the south of Perth

Re: Wanting to make friends

Well my stitches are gone. I had to go back asi had two areas which was infected. They had to scrape it and put Betadine on it. Then it was sealed with a waterproof dressing. The following week later it was removed and it looked good.

My wrist is amazing! No more nerve painor pins and needles. I can now lift the kettle and milk with no pain. I am now waiting for the right one to be operated on.

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Re: Wanting to make friends

Wonderful news @KEJ  

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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