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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah  my sleep seems to go in phases , gets bad, then better again ,as exhasusted I suppose, dunno

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, done walk. Waiting for sparkling water ja ha

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes very annoying @TAB for sure! I think sleep is a major issue in the MI community. Got to go for a walk today TABs and then get the day going I guess

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

very good @Meowmy  not sure what am doing here. might go back to bed think

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko a lot of European cultures have their main meal at lunchtime. Especially farmers. Followed by a 2 hour afternoon nap in the hottest part of the day, then return to work until 7 or 8pm. Dinner is a community event at 9pm. Everyone walking home about 11pm. Kids slung over dad’s shoulder.

It’s a lifestyle that I easily adapted to and I was homesick for it when I came back to Australia.

We also tend to over eat. Our portion sizes are huge here.

Have you seen the size of a Chinese bowl?


I’ve sat next to people, watched them consume large portions of calorie dense foods with no nutritional value.Then complain about losing weight. 🤔


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hope it goes well @SmilingGecko  think bed again here before anything

Re: Tabaluga's

Morning 😎 friends @TAB @Bill16 @StuF 

What’s on today’s agenda?


Re: Tabaluga's

Yes I pretty much follow that schedule @Glisten. I have the book The Perfect Day Plan which outlines a similar routine except bedtime is 9pm.  I have an afternoon nap. Its so healthful. I've lived this way for a long time now thanks to the author of that wonderful little book. It makes so much sense yeah?

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko SNAFU and FUBAR my favourite acronyms ❤️ 


Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Meowmy @TAB @Bill16 @Glisten @SmilingGecko 


A day of mourning here after yesterday's game...


Nah, not at all lol


I actually thought it would be a bigger loss, so kinda happy with it


I hope your days are going well

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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