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Everything Birds



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Re: Everything Birds

by Judith Write

Along the road
the magpies walk
with hands in pockets
left and right
They tilt their heads
and stroll and talk
Well-fitted attire
black and white

They look like
certain gentlemen
most nonchalant
and wise
until their meal
abruptly served
clashing beaks
and greedy eyes!

But greed is brief
their joy so long
for there is no man
that I have heard
to raise his head
in glorious song

such grace and praise
no man nor bird
For each is born
with such a throat
as thanks his God
with every note

Re: Everything Birds

Hello @Former-Member Smiley LOL

This little fella was on my front fence this week xx


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Re: Everything Birds


Hi @Shaz51, thanks for joining in, maybe we can get @utopia aand @lisajane to bring something.  This I'd a pic I found in opticaillusions. Hape your day today is going well. Quiet here, just had a lovely sun shower -  xox

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Re: Everything Birds

hello @Former-Member @Shaz51

We have a resident magpie who drags one wing we have named him Napoleon.

he has been about for over 10 years keeps appearing with more babies

we feed him sometimes not too often so that he doesnt lose his natural instinct

he knows our cats now and they know him


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Re: Everything Birds

Oh @Shaz, is that picture of yours a baby kookaburra? Strong!


Hi @Former-Member, good to see you here, i had ittle chuckle hearing about your 'Nepolion' visitor - his broken wing, offspring, cat friends and your family looking after him. How sweet! One lucky magpie to have people like us around. You're a treasure. xox

Re: Everything Birds

yes he is @Former-Member xx

Hello @Former-Member 

oh look it is me @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope xx

bird 2.jpg

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Re: Everything Birds

that's precious @Shaz51, love it!

Re: Everything Birds

@Former-Member @Shaz51 @Former-Member and everyone.

Thought I would post one of my favourite pictures that I found on Facebook.

Bird Reflection.jpg

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Re: Everything Birds

That is beautiful thank you @utopia, haven't seen them before, gorgeous!
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