Re: Daily positives

My daily positives


cooked healthy breakfast at home


on my bed under the fan listening to Uni lecture


about to take gs2 to training


assertive to family about their use of my car…not today,  sorry


linking with some lovely forumites



Re: Daily positives

OK, my turn.

Supportive friends and interesting conversations.

A reminder not to give up on hope. (via this morning's church service)

Being able to "play out" some of my feelings on viola as part of this morning's church music team. Lots of grief, but the strange thing is, when you play it out, it comes out beautiful to others. There's probably something profound hiding in plain sight there, but I'm too tired to try to nut it our right now. x

First cups of coffee for a couple of days! I discovered I didn't have a spare jar in the pantry like I thought, and opted to make do with choc drinks so I could buy our preferred brand when we next went into the local "rural city". i.e. today...

Being able to wish some of our Chinese friends a "Happy New Year" in Mandarin. 😊

Getting out in the very neglected garden for a while this afternoon.

And lastly, knowing that the two marked down pizzas that I got at the supermarket this morning means a yummy but very easy dinner tonight. Win-win!

Re: Daily positives

Good morning @Shaz51 + everyone around! I absolutely love this trend and haven't seen it on the forums before. My daily positives today are:

- getting a new bed delivery finally!

- having a hot coffee this morning 

- the sun being out after a thunderstorm yesterday



Re: Daily positives

Loving the daily positive posts everyone! Sometimes it's hard to focus on the positive parts of a day but it has many health benefits to stopping and smelling the roses!  ** Daily positive topic very similar to a gratitude list maybe?

Re: Daily positives

Daily positives are:

- some new recipes just don’t turn out (but you can live and learn)

- some legendary recipes can go amiss (learning that lentils should not be over-cooked)

- some disasters can be saved (learning the magic of just adding water when reheating)

- everything is better if you just add chilli (heat that makes your nose run is ok)


In summary, I’m still in love with cooking and being in my kitchen. 


Re: Daily positives

Wonderful @Delicatessen , @outlander , @candii , @amber22 , @Smc xxx

Re: Daily positives

Daily positives are:

- cooked lentils to perfection in new delicious recipe (so I can be trusted with them again)

- I charged forth in the kitchen last night so now have meals to cover the coming days

- I stayed in a cottage over the weekend and slept on the couch in front of a fire

- I decided that rustic pizza was more important than being warm (I shivered with a smile)

- I continued to charge my way through a book on the history of news (utterly fascinating) which makes me gasp and laugh and smile

Re: Daily positives

Hello hi. It's been a long while since I've visited these forums, so here feels like a decent place to start back.


Positives of today:


- Beautiful sunshine.

- Spent some peaceful time doing a puzzle.

- Cooked a yum dinner from the garden and work leftovers.

- Felt very supported after receiving a call from my GP.

- Wore my (current) favourite dress.


Re: Daily positives

@outlander @rye @Delicatessen @Shaz51 @candii @tonys 

So I’m walking through the shopping centre reading a response from @tonys that gave me tears of joy.

As I wipe a stray tear from my face, a lady comes up, hugs me and says “You are beautiful.”

Then I won $21 on Lotto.

Re: Daily positives

Hi @Glisten .  thankyou for sharing your beautiful moment with me.   Don't tell anyone.   I think I had a bit of dew writing it.

There is good in your heart,  and it will prevail.          Strolling with you friend.                  tonys

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