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Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

I thought I'd start this thread for those living with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and their associated issues.


I was first diagnosed as schizophrenic with a separate diagnosis aside from that as major depression. This went on until I had my first manic episode and my diagnostic label was then altered to schizoaffective disorder. Since then my life has been pretty topsy turvy with voices, hallucinations, paranoia, delusionary thinking and mood swings large enough to sink a battleship.


Every single day I hear voices. There is not a day goes by that I don't. I'd like to know other's experiences and also encourage others to share copy skills they have for living with this illness.


Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Queenie Hi Queenie fancy meeting you here 😄 ... well since I have been on this medication ritual I have not heard one voice and I kind of miss them because they were not all bad ... there was one that was rather nice and now he is gone along with the rest so anyways I am thinking seriously of quitting this whole medication thing and trying to just use psychology to get me through the worst of being schizzo.


Is that possible?? I would love to know... everywhere I have read says I am doomed to medication for the rest of my life and if I do play with not taking them my schizzo will only get worse not better .... doomed if you do and doomed if you dont.  

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

I know what you mean there @greenpea! I feel doomed with medication and doomed without medication. My psychiatrist gave me an option though... skinny and crazy or fat and sane. I felt so deflated at that. 

It is no wonder you miss your good voices. I know from the hearing voices groups I attend not all voices are derogatory and threatening (though mine are). Some people's voices are helpful and comforting and sometimes very friendly. It must be dreadful to lose something like that. I know not everyone I know takes medications for their schizy, some get by with meditation or yoga and psychology. I'm not about to preach that medication is the only answer for a condition like ours, because everyone is different. I would say though to consult a doctor before stopping it, as I'd hate to be dire consequences after ceasing a medication.

I knew of a man who went on to have an amazing career in mental health and he only heard the voices of what he referred to as angels. He flat out refused medication and with time and therapy lives quite well. I wish I could have that LOL! Mine want to bump me off all the time!

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Queenie I want angels too ... 🙂 I knew you would be the right person to ask though. I just hate being fat ... just hate being crazy too as alot of the time being crazy means you dont remember what you have done so god only knows what I have been up to when I wasnt properly medicated lol :). Well I know as my family tell me that it wasnt pretty and want me to stay medicated or else!!


What about your family Queenie do they want you to stay medicated or do they not mind if you are skinny and crazy.

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

My family complain about two things about me @greenpea... my craziness and my weight. I can't win either way LOL! I think they'd prefer me to be fat and sane than skinny and crazy though. I must admit I tend to agree with them on that.

In all since starting psychiatric medications I've gained 68kg (almost double my weight).


However having said that when I wasn't on medications, I was way outta control. I even walked 30km to a long term state psychiatric hospital and tried to admit myself but got turned away as I was an acute case (they only deal with chronic long term cases) hahaha, at least I don't think parading around the neighbourhood in next to nothing is okay these days.

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Queenie The voice of reason in someone so young. Yeah my family havent mentioned my weight gain it is only me who goes on about it (I wouldnt dare mentioned the voices) and the presents have gone too!!


So I am doomed, doomed DOOMED!!! to be a frustrated old bag 😞

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

Hey @greenpea I wouldn't say you are doomed to be an old bag. Old bags aren't half as funny and quick witted as you are Heart You're a good egg!

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

@Queenie 🙂

Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly


Re: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective: The good, the bad and the Ugly

I thought I'd bump this discussion thread back up, seeing as we've had a few people join recently that might find this discussion relevant.

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