Re: Sober vs Medicated

I've watched a few docos about how it helps people @saltandpepper very interesting. 

I've never smoked a cig in my life and wouldn't smoke it. But I'd use the oil in a heartbeat when it becomes more available here in Aus. Had a friend send me a bath bomb with it in it... I felt very relaxed. 

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Hey @Bow how are you getting on? You back home now? Well bath bombs are meant to be relaxing as it is @Bow haha 

Re: Sober vs Medicated

No @saltandpepper  still in hospital:(

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Aw man that's rough @Bow how are you coping? Managing to get some food down?

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Doing ok up until today @saltandpepper  even had the NG tube taken out this morning. But crashed hard this arvo. 

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Hope you're not being too hard on yourself for having a crash there @Bow . Here with you Heart

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Shit @Bow doesn't sound good hey? It's not an easy path, going to be ups and downs. Tomorrows a new day though @Bow and I hope it will be a better one for you

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Bit of a reality check I guess @saltandpepper @Jynx Been doing ok. Aiming for home early next week. But realising how hard it's still going to be. Done nothing psychological to help me much here. Just medically. 

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Physical first psychological next @Bow one wee step at a time

Re: Sober vs Medicated

Mmm I can imagine that would feel a bit frustrating. Like you've gotta crawl before you can walk, and you want help with getting back on your feet but they're just making sure you can keep crawling for now. It's like @saltandpepper said though, tomorrow is a new day. Hope it is an easier one for you. Heart

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