Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

We often use the term “hearing voices” to describe a range of different experiences. The reason for this is because most commonly people hear a voice (or several) talking directly to them or about them. Often the topic of conversation is highly relevant and personal to the hearer – though unfortunately not always positive. We can choose to talk back to our voices (or not) and the voice(s) will often respond back to what we have said. In this way, do we not have a “relationship” with our voice (even if this relationship is primarily a hostile /negative one)?

How do people feel about this concept? What is the relationship you have with your voice(s) like? Is change in the relationship possible, and if so how? Some big questions, but ones I’d love to hear peoples thoughts on.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Are the voices you hear your own voice?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Welcome @Koala!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

@Georgie_Paulik I listen to music endlessly until I fall asleep or the batteries are flat. I find on nights like tonight, it's the only way I get through.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

I find that really hard to do. For me it feels like they go from vocal to visual when I'm trying really hard to ignore them as if they are saying "if you're not going to listen were gonna make sure you can't ignore us" if that makes sense

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hey @Koala. Interesting question and one I assume there will be many varying opinions to. I think it almost doesn't matter in terms of what helps/doesn't help and in terms of changing the relationship (though I totally get that this is a very important question more generally). I have a relationship with different parts of myself. I often debate myself on topics, and try, where possible, to be kind to myself, although this has taken much practise. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Hey @Koala, the voices I hear are not my own voice. I hear completely separate entities. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Lanae976 thanks for your advice, when I think about it my voices ramp up when I am about to do something which I am anxious about. Unfortunately that's a fair amount of the time because I have been in hospital a while. I will see what my voices say when I notice I'm really anxious. Thanks for the advice.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Sorry I need to go. My phone is about to die. Thsnks @Former-Member and @Georgie_Paulik. Great night of discussions. 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Hearing Voices // Tues 15 May, 7pm AEST

Yeah I have pretty crappy eyesight but these things are probably a bit bigger than a tennis ball and seem to fly past me from behind
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