Senior Contributor

Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hey SANE community! 


This fortnight we will be welcoming one of SANE's Peer Ambassadors talking about their experiences with eating disorders and body image, leading on from Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW) earlier this month.  






Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW)  

BIEDAW is a national week to raise awareness of body image concerns and eating disorders, celebrated annually from the 6-12th of September. It calls upon the community to acknowledge that all bodies are important, and all bodies deserve politeness, honour and care from ourselves and from others; particularly in spaces where people are affected by eating disorders. 


For this Topic Tuesday, we are making space for those of us who have struggled with body image and eating disorders, and  to share experiences, resources and stories.  


This discussion might help to enhance our understanding of this year’s theme “Respecting All Bodies” and and support you to have conversations around body image and eating disorders with those in your lives and find an ally.  


Please join us here on Tuesdaythe28th of September 2021 from 7:00pm-8:30pm AEST to follow this conversation.  


Want to  receive a reminder on the night? Hit the 'Support' button below. 


New to the forums or want to get involved in this discussion? Check out the How To Guide for Topic Tuesdays. 


124 REPLIES 124

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi there Forums Community 🙂 


Topic Tuesday is starting in 30 minutes time, we hope to see you there! 

Tagging those who supported the post above @parrows @Erica5 @Arizona @Gammy @RedHorse @chibam @BlueBay @Bow @Appleblossom 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

URGH..,,, of all the topic Tuesday that I really want to be part of I can't. In hospital. I'll have to read back when I get the chance. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Bow ,


Really sorry to hear that and hope you can read along a bit later Heart We often have chats in the community following Topic Tuesday if there are key themes or discussions that members would like to continue talking about. I'll make sure to tag you should we have new spaces made to keep the conversations going Heart 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Emelia8 @Everan @Gwynn @Jacques @May22 @Shaz51 @Smc @MDT @TAB @HenryX @Millieme @RedHorse @Former-Member @Meowmy  ! I saw that you were all online and thought I would tag you to let you all know that we will be having a dicussion on body image and eating disorders on this thread. If you would like to get involved, please feel free! Smiley Very Happy



Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Sorry I dont have a password etc all seems too hard @cloudcore is on some weird chat site?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @TAB , you will not need a password to join this discussion (as you would for the online peer group!). We will just be sharing our thoughts and responding to questions on this thread from 7pm Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Ok @cloudcore thanks

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi there everyone and thank you for being here!


Earlier this month was Eating Disorder and Body Image Awareness Week, and we are continuing the discussion tonight with one of SANE's amazing Peer Ambassadors @SarahBee 🙂


For those of you who are joining tonight, we would love to hear from you what you are most interested in hearing tonight 🙂


This topic will discuss the theme of Respecting all bodies. If at any time you are experiencing distress, or would like to seek further support, SANE's Help Centre is open until 10pm tonight. Eating disorders and body image are such important topics, and tonight we will be holding space to talk about our own experiences and learnings. If you are new to Topic Tuesday, you can find our how to guide here. We also encourage members to review the community guidelines to ensure that we can keep this space safe and supportive for all of us to share and learn together 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@SarahBee We would love to hear more about you! I'll hand over to you to introduce yourself 🙂 

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